[Trade Journal]
Publication: Street Railway Journal
New York, NY, United States
vol. 28, p. 158, col. 1-3
AETNA INSULATING COMPOUND. This compound is manufactured especially for electric railway insulation. The various forms in which it is made are obtained by pressing the compound in dies under high pressure. The finished product, as used for insulation in trolley line suspensions, strain insulators, third rail insulators, etc., is extremely tough, and impervious to weather exposure. It is the first of this class of insulating compounds for electric railway use, and has come into extensive use in all civilized parts of the world. —ALBERT & J. M. ANDERSON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, BOSTON, MASS.
ELECTROSE INSULATOR PINS. Are made in various sizes and of any form to meet regular and special requirements. Electrose pins possess great strength combined with the highest possible form of electrical insulation. —ELECTROSE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, BROOKLYN, N. Y.
ELECTROSE INSULATORS. H. W. Buck, chief engineer of the Canadian Niagara Power Company, in a published statement, said: "This material is a very good insulator, is very strong mechanically and is entirely free from cracks and other defects which are common in glass and porcelain. Electrose insulators have been used on the Buffalo transmission lines of the Niagara Falls Power Company for the past three years, and they are the only insulators on those lines which have caused no trouble." Made in sizes ranging from 1,000 to 250,000 volts. —ELECTROSE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, BROOKLYN, N. Y.
GENERAL ELECTRIC THIRD RAIL INSULATORS. These insulators are furnished for standard or special work. Malleable iron supports are used with reconstructed granite or vitrihed clay forming the insulator proper. —GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, SCHENECTADY, N. Y.
HEMINGRAY INSULATORS. These insulators are of the screw glass type with special drip petticoats. —THE HEMINGRAY GLASS COMPANY, COVINGTON, KY.
J-M THIRD RAIL INSULATORS. Reconstructed granite consists of selected orthoclase granite pulverized, moulded into any desired form under heavy pressure, and then fused into a solid mass at a temperature approximating 3,000° F. It is highly glazed, and being vitreous, does not contain or absorb moisture. It is of unlimited durability, not being affected by heat, cold or any commercial acids or alkalies. Its crushing strength is about 15,000 lbs. per cu. in., and its tensile strength 1,000 lbs. per sq. in. of cross section. After years of severe test in all sorts of climatic conditions, it has been generally adopted throughout the world for third rail insulation. —H. W. JOHNS-MANVILLE COMPANY, NEW YORK.
"OHIO BRASS" THIRD RAIL INSULATORS. Made from semi-porcelain, which possesses great mechanical strength, best of insulating qualities, and is low in cost. The castings are all of malleable iron. A large number of types of third rail insulators arc made to suit various requirements. —THE OHIO BRASS COMPANY, MANSFIELD, OHIO.
RECONSTRUCTED GRANITE INSULATORS. Composed of selected orthoclase granite, pulverized moulded into any desired form under heavy pressure, and then fused into one solid mass at a temperateur approximating 3,000 deg. F. They are well vitrified, highly glazed, and possess unlimited durability, not being affected by hot or cold nor by acids. The material shows high crushing strength and high ohmic resistance. The company controls several patented types of third rail insulators, among which are the "Courtenay," "Lawrencourt" and "Crossbar" varieties, and also makes a specialty of executing orders for insulators from the owners of other types. —RECONSTRUCTED GRANITE COMPANY, NEW YORK.
VICTOR INSULATORS. Thar electric current may be confined to the circuit which shall convey it, glass or porcelain in the form of shells nested and cemented together is introduced between points of high pressure. The inherent qualities of the glass or porcelain prevent puncture and design of the shells is such as to, at all times, insure dry surface between opposite sides of a high pressure circuit, thus preventing passage of current. —LOCKE INSULATOR MANUFACTURING COMPANY, VICTOR, N. Y
VICTOR LINE INSULATORS. Used for the support of high tension power transmission wires and almost invariably made of several shells of highly vitrified porcelain riveted together and cemented in place. —LOCKE INSULATOR MANUFACTURING COMPANY, VICTOR, N. Y.
VICTOR STRAIN INSULATORS. Designed to give maximum mechanical strength by allowing pin to be fastened at both ends with line wire about the middle. —LOCKE INSULATOR MANUFACTURING COMPANY, VICTOR, N. Y.
VICTOR WALL ENTRANCE INSULATOR. Designed to permit entire closing of aperture about line wire and should present ample dry surface even in face of severe blowing rain. Mounted in slate or cement panel. —LOCKE INSULATOR MANUFACTURING COMPANY, VICTOR, N. Y.
WESTERN ELECTRIC THIRD RAIL INSULATORS. In the company's catalogue of electric railway material for 1904-5 it illustrates three specific types of patented third rail insulators in which its well-known "Electrose" insulating material is employed in combination with the metal parts. The types shown provide a strong and at the same time a slightly flexible support for the conductor rail, thereby insuring a more constant and perfect contact between the collector shoe and the rail; sparking and loss of current is thereby avoided; ample scope for the expansion and contraction of the rail is also provided. —WESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY, NEW YORK AND CHICAGO.