Paragon Self-Tying Knob

[Trade Journal]

Publication: Electrical Review and Western Electrician

Chicago, IL, United States
p. 49, col. 2




THE PARAGON SELLERS COMPANY, of 56 Fifth avenue, Chicago, 111., announces that it has taken over the business of the Durant Electric Supplies Company and of F. W. Pardee of the same address. The personnel of the new company Is as follows: President, E. M. Piatt: vice president, F. W. Pardee; secretary, E. E. Dewey; treasurer, R. E. Macduff. The personnel of the new company is practically the same as that of the old and the business will be carried on along the same lines as the old business of the Durant Electric Supplies Company and F. W. Pardee. The Paragon Sellers Company is the exclusive producer of "Ironite" duplex drop wire used by telephone companies and of the "Paragon" specialties including the "Paragon" ground cone, "Paragon" self-tying knob, "Paragon" messenger support, and "Paragon" battery box. The Paragon Sellers Company claims of the ground cone that its total cost installed is less than the cost of ordinary ground plates, junk copper, etc. Literature covering any of the above specialties will be sent on request.




Keywords:Paragon Self-Tying Knob : Paragon Sellers Company
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: Patent: 965,723
Researcher:Elton Gish
Date completed:September 2, 2011 by: Elton Gish;