Paragon Self-Tying Knob

[Trade Journal]

Publication: Telephony

Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 60, no. 19, p. 591-592, col. 2, 1-2

The Paragon Self Tying Knob.


In the issue of April 22, on page 494, was illustrated a method of running a duplex drop wire directly from the pole into the house, and using a standard porcelain knob as an insulator. The Paragon Sellers Co. claim that this is an obsolete method. The Paragon Sellers Co. manufacture what is known as the "Paragon Self Tying Knob," which is particularly designed to simplify and reduce the cost of running drops on buildings.


Fig. 1. Paragon Knobs in Residence Wiring.
Fig. 1. Paragon Knobs in Residence Wiring.


From Fig. 1 it will be seen that the Paragon Self Tying Knobs are extremely conspicuous. They are easily attached to a brick wall with one expansion bolt, and make it possible to run the wires from any direction.


Fig. 2. Showing Construction.
Fig. 2. Showing Construction.


The detailed picture, Fig. 2, shows that these knobs consist of a socket base, to which a ball having two grooves is fitted. The duplex drop wire is split, and each conductor is fitted into one of these grooves. The ball is then set over the socket, and the knob fastened in place. The pressure of the screw or lag bolt which fastens the base and the ball to the house also brings pressure to bear upon the wires, and holds them securely.


Fig. 3. Knob and Duplex in Place.
Fig. 3. Knob and Duplex in Place.


The Paragon Self Tying Knobs permit of the drop wire being run in any direction, and from any angle; no tying whatsoever is necessary.


Fig. 4. As a Pole Fixture.
Fig. 4. As A Pole Fixture.


They require only one bolt or screw for fastening, and the pull of the drop wire comes directly against the head of the bolt or the screw. Thus, as there is no leverage, a very much lighter bolt or screw can be used in fastening.


Fig. 5. Inconspicuous Residence Attachment.
Fig. 5. Inconspicuous Residence Attachment.


From the careful consideration of this knob it would seem to be a very satisfactory substitute for porcelain knobs or glass insulators ordinarily used. They eliminate the trouble of tying and reduce the time of installation. These knobs hold the wire so close to the wall that both the drop wire and "the insulators themselves are inconspicuous, whereas on brick walls or concrete walls they are much more easily installed than the other form. They are usually put up with a four-inch No. 18 flat head wood screw for buildings or a four and one-half inch screw for use on poles.

Complete descriptive matter may be obtained from the Paragon Sellers Co., 162 N. Fifth Ave., Chicago, Ill.


Keywords:Paragon Self-Tying Knob : Paragon Sellers Company
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Elton Gish
Date completed:September 2, 2011 by: Elton Gish;