Publication: The Muncie Daily News
Muncie, IN, United States
p. 3, col. 5-7
Laboring Men, Visitors and Citizens
Grand Good Time had by Everbody
as they Enjoyed the Festivities
of the Glorious Holiday.
Yesterday was Labor Day. When the morn arrived the shrill factory whistle did not summon the men to work, for it was their holiday; 'twas a day of rest, a day for pleasure, a day on which one and all were to lay aside their daily vocation and put in the time with social good pleasure.
The first glimpse of day showed that the weather was to be all that anyone could ask, a little cool perhaps, but not uncomfortable. Bright and early the farmers began to arrive from all directions; the factory-man of our city were turning out in their gala dress, bedecked with badges and flowers, sporting their canes and dressed in their Sunday best, they were out for a time ; each train that arrived brought in the crowds of people who had come to Muncie, the only, and here desired to enjoy their holiday. Long before the festivities of the day had commenced, the streets were crowded.
Every business house was decortated with flags and national colors in honor of the one day of the year set apart for rest and relaxation. All were endeavoring to give the citizens and visitors a grand good time, and make the day one long to be remembered by them.
The sweet music of the many bands furnished pastime for hundreds on the strees while officers of the day were busy receiving the visitors as they arrived and getting the labor organizations in line in their proper places.
The crowd was a most orderly one, a jovial, jolly lot of men who had come out and brought their wives and children, sisters and sweethearts along to make the day all that anyone could desire.
At 10:30 o'clock the parade moved down from East Main street, and all in perfect order. Every organizaton was in its proper place, and at the signal from Marshal Unks the procession commenced to move.
There were fully one thousand organized laborers of this city in line, and truly it was a fine, hearty and well-dressed company of men. Prosperity was imprinted on their faces and happiness in their eyes. With them it a day of pleasure; all were out for a good time.
The procession was headed by the bicyclers; the wheelers having turned out nearly half a hundred which was followed by the parade in the following order:
Police, Speakers, Marshal of Day and assistants, fire department and band.
American Flint Glass Workers, Local Unions No. 23 and 91.
Blowers Local Union No. 12: Ball Bros. Factory.
Window Glass Worker, Local Union No, 40.
A. A. of I. S. M., Hoosier Lodge.
Cigarmakers Union No. 308 aad No. 157. of Rushville.
Brick-layers Union No. 89.
International Association of Barbers, Local Union No. 28.
International Laborers Protective Union; hod-carriers department.
G. A. R., Williams Post.
Journeyman's Bakers club — in a wagon and dressed in working uniform.
O. P. I. A., No. 83; also a wagon of their trade; and No. 92, of Hartford City.
This concluded the list of trades organizations that took part in the parade, and each did their themselves proud by the large representative turn out that they had and the fine appearance they made in the ranks.
The line of laboring men was followed by a long parade of wagons and vehicles of all classes and kinds, representing different business houses and firms of the city. Many of the displays were very credible and made a very fine appearance in the line of march.
After the last wagon had passed the thousands of people joined and went to Heekin park where the exercises of the day were to take place.
Mayor Brady delivered the address of welcome to the visitors and our own citizens. He told how appropriate it was that the laboring men, above all other classes, deserved a nattooal holiday; a day of rest set apart for their own use, and that as this was the occasion. Muncie was theirs; in it let them have a good time. His remarks were followed by a few words from Judge Lotz which were listened to attentively and well received. Master of Ceremonies, W. P. Furey, officiated at the grounds, and after these speeches announced that it was now in order that the inner man be fested. Hundreds of farmers were there with well filled bushels and many others had taken along their provisions. The festal board operated by the W. R. C., and Industrial school, furnished hundreds with the good things of life that made them happy, while with the others, they went hurredly home, ate and returned to help the multitude in having a good time.
At 1:30 o'clock Hon. H. S. Gregory delivered an address on "Labor," and his words were such that every union man who heard them was benefitted , and every laboring man was given convincing facts that unions at all times, if properly conducted, were a great benefit to the members thereof. His remarks were exceedingly interesting.
The hours of pleasure now began. Bands played on all sides and furnished music for the multitude. The large dancing pavilion was open and here much sport was furnished the young people for hour after hour and during the day they danced and had a jolly good time. The races came and went, each one furnishing much amusement for the crowds, especially the potato and sack races. The contests were novel and ludicrous and the crowd yelled while the contestants perspire.
In the afternoon there was a ball game, two local nines going on the ground and giving the people a fair exhibit of the national gaem.
It was owing to some misunderstanding, or the disarrangement of affairs, that the Richmond team did not come.
The feature of the the day was the balloon ascension and parachute drop by Prof. J. F. Knarr, the gentlemanly and daring little aeronaut. The balloon was a monstrous affair and when the ropes were released shot into the heavens and 'twas but a few seconds until it was but a speck in the sky, while the artist was performing daring and difficult feats on his bar. While at the height of about 1700 feet Prof. Knarr cut his parachute loose, the balloon shot upwards while he slowly and gently floated down through the open space and safely landed about half a mile from where he started up.
The ascension was a success in every way, and all were pleased therewith.
The balance of the afternoon was passed in having a general good time by all, and 'twas late in the evening before the perk was deserted and the people went home feeling that the celebrations of the day had been a success and that our toilers had done credit and honor to themselves.
The half mile bicycle race was won by Carl Umbarger, Charley Kirk taking second place.
Prof. Knarr, the aeronaut, went from here to Van Wert, Ohio. He is a most pleasant gentleman and his act well done.
Jim Gayton got on a tear on the grounds yesterday but officer Beall made hime come to time. This was the only disturbance to speak of about the grounds.
The Cigarmakers' Union, of Rushville, who took part in the parade, were a fine body of men.
The display of business men was good, but there was not enough of them. Every firm in town should have been represented.
The sack race was won by Sam Trout; Warner Davenport being the lucky enough to secure second place.
The officers of the day would allow none but union made cigars to be sold on the ground. They had a little trouble with some men, but enforced the rule to the letter. This was right and proper.
The barbers had a little confusion in their ranks by a "scab" desiring to march, but the boys soon made him understand that it was union men's day and he had to sneak.
Marshal Unks and assistants Morgan, Miller, Spoon, Carvanaugh and Cashmore did theselves proud by their excellent management of the affairs of the day. The entire program under their supervision and direction went off on schedule time.