Publication: The Muncie Daily News
Muncie, IN, United States
p. 1, col. 3
Reception and Banquet.
Last night at the Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hart banquetted a select number in honor of her sister, Mrs. Randolph of Denver, Col. The dining room was beautifully decorated with chrysanthemums and ferns. The costumes worn were rich and elaborate. Those present were: Mesdames and Messieurs T. W. Hayes, Anderson, Roff, Covington, Ky., C. G. Milligan, O. W. Vatet, F. Keiser, C. L. Bender, O. A. Johnson, G. W. Maring, A. K. Smith, C. H. Over, J. A. Kirby, A. Meeks, J. H. Smith, W. W. Shirk, W. Meeks, O. W. Crabbs, M. E. Vantercook, H. Messersmith, Dolph Johnson, Giles Collins, F. Leon, George Bower, J. K. Ritter, O. Meeks, T. Windsor, H. Sturtevant, and Mrs. Nellie Myers, Bellaire, O. The Misses Jeanette and Edith Love, Mayne Sprankle, and Messieurs Ed Manok, Jerry Taylor, Irvin Allen, C. Boldt, W. J. Hilligoss, Arthur Brady and R. Hemingray.
New York Counts.
Olives. Cucumbers.
Baked White Fish.
Roast Turkey.
Escolloped Oysters. Cranberry Sauce.
Roman Punch.
Chicken Salad.
Tutti Frutti. Ice Cream.
Assorted Cake.
Fruit. Coffee.
Arther Brady, Toastmaster. Responses were made by Geo. F. McCullough, "Progress of Muncie;" Major Wildman, "The Press;" Miss Jeanette Love, "Gentlemen of Muncie;" Judge Lotz, "Ladies of Muncie;" Capt. Hilligoss, "The Future;" Frank Ball, "In the Wrong Place."