Gill Clay Pot to re-locate to Muncie


Publication: The Muncie Daily News

Muncie, IN, United States
p. 1, col. 5


This Time it is J. S. Gill & Bros., of

Ballaire [sic] Bellaire, Ohio


The Industry Will Employ About 100

People and Erect Substantial

Brick Buildings.

The negotiations were closed this morning by the Citizens Enterpris company, and the Muncie Land company, whereby the glass pot manufactory of J. S. Gill & Bros., of Ballaire [sic] Bellaire, Ohio will be removed to this city.

The new firm will erect a brick building 80x250 feet on their chosen site just south of Balls flint glass house, commencing work as soon as the contract can be let for the same.

They will manufacture chiefly the pots used in glass factory furnaces, and all kinds of furnace blocks. They use clay imported from Germany, and is the only industry of the kind in the west.

They will give employment to about one hundred people, the major portion of whom are skilled workmen in their line and will come here from the east to go to work in the new factory.

Messrs. Gill are very pleasant gentlemen, enterprising citizens and well pleased with Muncie as a city. They will locate here permanently. It is hoped to ahve the factory in full operation by the middle of May, and thereafter it will be in operation the year round.


Keywords:Hemingray : Gill Clay Pot Company
Researcher notes:Gill Clay Pot was one of the refractory companies that sold to Hemingray. James C. Gill of Hemingray Glass Co. was a cousin to the Gill Clay Pot people.
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Roger Lucas / Bob Stahr
Date completed:September 26, 2011 by: Bob Stahr;