Publication: The Muncie Daily News
Muncie, IN, United States
p. 1, col. 5
The Boys in Hemingray's Glass Works
Incite a Strike.
Word was received in the city this noon that the employees of the Hemingray Glass Company, had struck, and further trouble anticipated. A NEWS scribe left immediately by the Brownell Fast Line, for the scene, but upon arrival found the smiling face of Bob Hemingray, behind the railing of the office and poured the following tale of woe into the reporters ear.
We have in our employ, a great many boys who are serving in the capacity of carrying in boys and snapper boys and several other positions of like nature. The boys for some reason best known to themselves, struck, during my absence, without the least warning, politely walked out and furthermore did all in their power to get others to do likewise, which they succeeded in doing to a considerable extent, their being about a dozen in all who are now out. The consequence is that about half of the factory is laid off.
The Boys Story.
The boys themselves were interviewed and they seemed defient [sic] defiant, stating that there were about twenty of them in the strike that the "boss" was going to cut their wages and they would not stand the cut.
The ring leaders as according to Bob Hemingray are, Arthur Carey, John Bard, Nelson McDonald and Wm. Frogett. Everything will be all right tomorrow.