[Trade Journal]
Publication: Glass Factory Directory
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 104,108,110, col. 1
This list includes manufacturers of prescriptions and vials, beers and minerals, patent and proprietary medicines, liquors and flasks, packers and preservers, fruit jars and milk bottles.
Dominion Glass Co., Ltd., Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, Wallaceburg, and Redcliff. L. J. Belnap, Ch. of Bd.; T. W. Bassett, Pres.-Gen. Mgr.; F. N. Dundas, Ex. V.P.; N. W. Meldrum, V.P.-Ass't. Gen. Mgr.; J. R. Mackenzie, V.P.-Mfg.; T. B. King, Secy.; J. E. Glithero, Treas.; I. R. Macdonald, V.P.-Gen. Sales Mgr.; G. G. Field, Pur-Agt.; Food containers, preserving jars, milk bottles, beverage, liquors, wines and beers, flint, green and amber. Prescription and proprietary ware, perfume and toilet bottles; flint, amber and blue; cosmetic jars in opal. Pressed tableware, tumblers, kitchen ware, specialties, machine blown tumblers, lantern globes, sprayed and decorated ware, flint and amber.