[Trade Journal] Publication: Glass Factory Directory Pittsburgh, PA, United States |
The following factories are devoted to the manufacture of pressed and blown ware, plain tumblers, stem ware and bar goods, cut glass and tubing, lamp chimneys, globes, electrical goods, etc. · · INDIANA · · Kimble Glass Co., sub., Owens-Illinois Glass Co. Plant: Muncie. E. P. Spence, Mgr. See O-I listing in Ohio bottle section. · · OHIO
Kimble Glass Co., sub., Owens-Illinois Glass Co. Plant: Columbus; C. E. Reed, Mgr. See O-I listing in Ohio bottle section. · · BOTTLES AND HOLLOW WARE
This list includes manufacturers of prescriptions and vials, beers and minerals, patent and proprietary medicines, liquors and flasks, packers and preservers, fruit jars and milk bottles. · · OHIO · · Owens-Illinois Glass Company, general offices, Toledo 1, Ohio; Sales offices in all principle cities; Ex. Officers: J. P. Levis, Ch.; C. R. Megowan, Pres.; C. G. Bensinger, Ex. V.P., Pres. Glass Container Division; H. C. Laughlin, Ex. V.P., Pres. Paper Prod. Div., (formerly National Container Corp.), Pres. O-I Mill Div., Pres. Multiwall Bag Div.; G. S. Babcock, V. P. Gen. Mgr. Closure & Plastics Div.; O. G. Burch, V.P. Eng.-Res.; R. A. Cosh, V.P.; L. R. Edwards, V.P.-Gen. Mgr. Paper Prod. Div.; R. E. Graham, V.P., Gen. Mgr. Glass Container Div.-East; J. L. Gushman, V.P. Gen. Mgr. Int'l Div.; P. W. Hancock, V.P., Finance; C. G. McLaren, V.P., V.P. Mill Div.; R. H. Mulford, V.P., Pres. Kimble Glass Co,, subsidiary; S. L. Rairdon, V.P. Marketing; F. J. Solon, V. P.; W. J. Stewart, V.P. Personnel Admin.; A. M. Turner, V.P.-Gen. Mgr. Libbey Div.; H. S. Wade, V.P.-Gen. Mgr. Pacific Coast Div.; C. F. Babbs, Sec'y.; E. E. Smith, Treas.; F. M. Canter, Compt.; F. E. Fuller, Gen. Counsel. Glass Container Div. Plants: No. 2 Huntington, W. Va.; 5 fur. D. B. Adams; No. 3 Fairmont, W. Va., 6 fur. J. L. Black; No. 6 Charleston, W. Va., 5 fur. J. R. Morehead; No. 7 Alton, Ill., 10 fur. A. C. Budd; No. 9 Streator, Ill., 10 fur. M. G. Kahl.; No. 10 Atlanta, Ga., 2 fur., H. Ottesen; No. 12 Gas City, Ind., 3 fur. S. M. Cantrill; No. 14 Bridgeton, N. J., 8 fur., M. B. Thompson; No. 15 Waco, Tex., 3 fur., G. M. Walter; No. 17 Clarion, Pa., 2 fur., J. L. Sommerville. Pacific Coast Div. Plants: No. 20 Oakland, Calif., 5 fur., T. L. Keussell; No. 21 Portland, Ore, 2 fur., W. Funke; No. 23 Los Angeles, Calif., 4 fur., H. P. Brown; San Jose, Calif., (closure plant) T. W. Monk. Closure & Plastics Div. Plants: No. 63 St. Charles, Ill., Q. Winter; No. 67 Riverdale, N. J., E. F Fennell; No. 68 Glassboro, N. J., R. H. Langdon. Products from all above: "Duraglas" containers — bottles and jars, metal and molded closures, corrugated and wood boxes. Libbey Glass Div. Plants: No. 27 Toledo, O., 9 fur., B. F. Trumm; No. 28 Buffalo, N. Y., R. W. Mueller, Products: Cut, decorated, plain "Safedge" tumblers, stemware for home, commercial use. Kimble Glass Co. (subsidiary) Plants: No. 31 Vineland, N. J., 8 fur., 21 pots, J. L. Connelly; No. 33 Chicago Heights, Ill., 3 fur., F. Hinckley; No. 35 Warsaw, Ind., W. H. Brooks; No. 84 Columbus, O., 5 fur., C. E. Reed; No. 86 Muncie, Ind., 2 fur., E. P. Spence. Products; "Kimax" hardglass laboratory glassware and apparatus; "Exax" laboratory glassware; "Neutraglas" and "Color-Break" Ampuls; "Neutraglas" serum bottles; "Opticlear" vials; perfume and special molded containers; tubing and rod; "Hemingray" and Kimble tempered glass power and communications insulators; Owens-Illinois Glass Block; "Toplite" roof panels; "Thinlite" curtain wall system; Kimble all-glass rectangular television bulbs; miscellaneous pressed ware items. (Glass container manufacturing plants at Havana, Cuba and Valencia, Venezuela.) · · |
Keywords: | Hemingray : Owens-Illinois Glass Company : Kimble Glass Company |
Researcher notes: | |
Supplemental information: | |
Researcher: | Bob Stahr |
Date completed: | September 30, 2011 by: Bob Stahr; |