Publication: The Sacramento Daily Union
Sacramento, CA, United States
vol. 16, no. 2341, p. 3, col. 1-7
The City of the Plains Touched with
the Electric Spark!
From the hour it was made known on Thursday night that Sacramento would hold a jubilee in honor of the successful laying of the Atlantic Cable, it had been manifest up to yesterday morning that, short as was the interval, the time would be turned to good account by our citizens. It was whispered freely about the streets that the coming festivities would perhaps be the best impromptu Celebration ever given. Yesterday morning people talked more familiarly of what it would positively be, viz: a very fine display, they said. But not until the night had set its lights in the sky, was the City of the Plains fully active to what she had in reality done, and that her celebration of the ocean victory, although the last in the list of cities, would be grandest ever witnessed within her limits. We doubt if any of the inland capitals of the Eastern States can boast of a jubilee in such admirable keeping with the occasion as ours has been. We have done all in telegraphic time, and if the wires which lie at the bottom of Old Ocean but transmit their leaping currents as gaily and harmoniously along as the spirit of yesterday's festival passed from breast to breast, no fear need be entertained of its working successfully. But this is not all we have done. Practically we have laid hold of that Cable's end. From this time forward, so far as the elastic properties of that marvellous rope are concerned, it is all gutta percha, or a substance still more yielding in our hands.
The morning broke beautifully. Those who were up early enough nay the comet seemed to have added a few extra splendors to his tail, in honor of the day. At the first gleam of the sun above the horizon, the bells pealed forth a jubilee. Protection (Eighth street) bell commenced the peal, followed by the bell on Benton's Church, and those on the engine houses. They rang a jubilant welcome to the morn. Some enthusiastic patriots on Seventh street procured an anvil, and with the aid of a little gunpowder, joined the bells in a chorus that would have done honor to the gipsies in "Trovatore."
All day long, the streets were astir with preparations. Merchants employed the intermission between serving their callers, to superintend the getting up of transparencies and material tor illumination. Men stopping to talk left off the eternal preface about the weather, and exchanged pleasant words about the Celebration. Misses from school, and boys, shouting to each other across streets, talked of nothing but the evening's jubilee. Everybody seemed infected with the desire to please and be pleased on the one topic. The paint shops were crammed with squares of canvas, stretched on frames, waiting to be touched into life and expression. The want of more time or more painters was painfully visible, for orders were turned aside, and it is probable that at least one-third more than the number of transparencies which appeared in the procession would have been brought out, if time had been given for their execution.
At twelve o'clock, the American flag over the chamber of the Executive Committee was lowered, the English colors run to the peak of the staff, and a British national salute of twenty-one guns fired on the Levee. A fuuny incident occurred on the lowering of the American flag. Our neighbors over in Washington, watching the movements on this side, saw the stars and stripes descend half mast, and immediately dropped the colors on their side to the same position. When the British flag was run up on this side, aud the salute commenced, not having the colors of that nation with which to follow the movement, the man at the halyards in Yolo lowered the flag a little more, and thus kept the American flag at half-mast while honors were being paid the Cross of St. George. Probably our friends thought as the lad did when the tree over his head was struck by lightning, that "something had got to be done!"
At 1 o'clock the Folsom train arrived, bringing the Coloma Greys. The Sutter Rifles had been at the depot in waiting for them some time, and as they stepped out of the cars, the Greys were cordially received and escorted down Third street and through J street to the Orleans, where they are quartered. The fine appearance of our military guests attracted general attention. They are commanded by Captain A. Van Guelder, and in the procession last evening numbered twenty-two muskets. Their uniform is a handsomely fitting gray suit, trimmed with black, gray cap and pompon. The members of the Company are nearly all up to the true standard of military stature and proportion aud make a fine show on parade. Their marching and discipline reflected credit on their officers. The Sutter Rifles, Captain Eyre, also looked well, as usual, and bore themselves in a soldierly manner. They numbered twenty-five muskets.
As the sun went down, a national salute of thirty-one guns was fired, at the foot of L street, aud the bells which had rung in the morning so jubilantly now greeted the nearer approach of the hour of festivities. Every thoroughfare was alive with people. Mounted officers went clattering through the streets, and afar off was to be heard the muttering drum, or some lone bugle call. The twilight settled down on a very dusty city, for the watering carts had hauled off early in the afternoon. For awhile it seemed as though the expected illumination might be choked by the banks of dust.
But, shortly after six o'clock, a few lights stole out at the foot of J street. And then might have been seen, far up and down its long line of buildings, one flash after another appear. Then, from the tops of houses and across the street, whole rows of lights. The side streets caught the infection, and they too burst out in flime. Colored fires lent variety and beauty to the scene. Rockets began to cross the sky, ascending from different parts of the city, and fire-balls of strange lights shot up and cast a glare around them. Now, through the streets, growing every moment more crowded and the crowd more excited, marched the different companies and societies to the place of gathering on Second street. It was now near seven o'clock. The city was in a blaze of light. From the tops of the Orleans Hotel and the adjacent buildings, rockets and Roman candles shot into the air. The military arrived on the ground, preceded by the fine band ot the Coloma Greys. Music and cheers gave the first vocal outburst to the long pent up enthusiasm. But let us do justice to the scene where the parade is forming. The row of buildings in which the Orleans stands were in a blaze of light from top to bottom. The fiery lines extended from J to K street. The balconies of the Orleans, Birch's Building, and Heywood's, opposite, were crammed with ladies, and it is almost a a wonder that some of them did not give way with their loads. In front of Wells, Fargo & Co.'s, was a transparency, with the motto, " Express and Electricity, Overland Stage Routes, and Railroad." The speaker's stand was erected opposite the Orleans, and draped with flags of the two nations. Above it was the following motto:
The Magnetic Telegraph "The still small voice"
The power of God for the union of Nations.
At precisely 7:10 the Sutter Rifles, preceded by their band, and the Coloma Greys next behind them, wheeled into column, and the order was passed up the line "Forward." This was model time-keeping only ten minutes behind the hour set for the procession to start. Let it serve as an example to future parades. The head of the column wheeled at the corner of Second and J, and amid a general discharge of rockets from the roof of the Orleans, took up its march up J street. After the military and the Chief Marshal and staff, came the Pioneers, 40 in number. They bore a transparency, with the date of their organization and seal of Society. The following representation and motto, among other transparencies carried by them, and noticed in a general list below, attracted attention :
The opposite shores of America and Asia; a Californian in the dress of a rancbero, standing on a headland, and casting his lariat over to China, represented by the Celestial Emperor on his throne. The Pacific spreads her blue waves between. The motto is:
"A Line to the Other John."
On the reverse of this is a picture of Hawk's Peak, near Monterey, where Fremont planted a staff and raised the American flag for the first time inland in California. The inscription is (preceded by the date of the above event):
Liberty's first Telegraph Pole planted in California
The ranks of the Pioneers, as indeed all of the procession from this point, were lit with many torches. After this Society came a "favored few" whose place and purpose in the column was marked as follows:
The Pioneers of Fraser river Home again, thank
Also the following:
Northern Light, Fraser river To find the bottom
sunk a Cable.
This last local hit caused many a good laugh. Next followed the Triumphal Car, drawn by six black horses. This was a carved and gilded wagon, decorated with wreaths and festoons of national colors. In the front part was seated a young Miss, representing America, in the usual costume of our fair goddess. By her side, elevated high above the wagon, was perched a gilded eagle. The base of his stand was trimmed with striped bunting; the American shield rested against it, and our national flag fell away in folds from beneath the drapery of the goddess. From the eagle's beak a cable stretches across a blue field to the rear end of the car. Here the nationality changes, and the scarlet ground, relieving the blue cross, shows the domain of the British lion. And here is the animal itself, life size, and formidable looking. He is coming out of his den, holding the other end of the cable in bis jaws. The British shield and other royal insignia are arranged appropriately around him. But, above him, sits Britannia, personated by a daughter of England. She holds the trident of the seas. Those emblems were designed and the car arranged and decorated by Tiugman, of Brown, Henry k Co. They were greatly admired and loudly cheered as the procession passed along.
Here we must run ahead of the column to notice the appearance of J street, briefly, but particularly. Beginning with the Union office first, at the foot of the street, we may remark that, in addition to a general illumination, the following transparency was exhibited:
Progress of Civilization The Steamboat, the
Railroad and the Telegraph.
"Westward the Star of Empire takes its way,
The first four acts already past,
The fifth shall close the Drama of the day
Time's noblest Offspring Is his last."
The above inscription was surrounded by the following names, emblematical of the ships engaged in laying down the Atlantic Cable, their commanders, and men distinguished in science and enterprise, as follows: Agamemnon, Niagara, Breeder, and Hudson; also Fulton, Fitch and Stevens, celebrated for their efforts in the application of steam to navigation; Watt, the early builder of the steam engine; Steers, the builder of the Niagara; and Franklin, Morse and Field.
The El Dorado, corner of J and Second streets, was illuminated from top to bottom, and in addition showed a transparency sixty feet long, with the following inscription:
Invisible without noise may you soon have more
line to travel on!
At one end of the canvass was a representation of England's Queen holding one end of the cable, the ocean separating her from a courtly gentleman, who, hat in hand, is supposed to be the President. The Niagara and other ships are tossing out at sea. The President holds the cable, which also passes beyond him and unites with a telegraphic wire, and is seen stretching along over the plains, and crossing the Sierras, until it reaches California. Here, at the other end of the canvass, is given a representation of Sacramento, with the Capitol and Benton's Church conspicuous among the buildings. This was got up under the superintendence of Mr. Hovey.
In front of Cadwallader's law office, on the second floor of Hiller & Andrews' building, was the following inscription, between colored lights:
Vulcan for the use of man has harnessed the
The mammoth transparency of the day was displayed along in front of the stores of Lanos & Co., R. T. Brown & Co., Harmon & Co., and Marchand & Co. It was 80 feet in length. The subject is the extension of the Cable across ocean and land, Britannia seated under her white cliffs, holds one end, America, as the goddess of liberty, the other. The sea and its ships are between. In the rear of our divinity is Brother Jonathan, with the coil in hand, making tracks across the Plains. He says "I'm bound out West, you Bet!" California is in view, and the Pacific Railroad seems to be laying the wires. The whole scene is well designed, aud the effect much admired.
Garwood's new building, on J street, between Fifth and Sixth streets, was handsomely lighted and decorated with a transparency thirty feet long. Here was a regular panorama of telelegrahic events, present and to come. The Queen and President are hob-nobbing across the water, the former sitting at dinner, and Old Buck, filling his glass of old rye, probably. The ocean and ships fill the space between, and underneath runs the magical cord which brings dinner and lunch-time together. In the rear of the President, on some modern hill of Jove, stand Franklin and Morse, the one engaged in bottling the lightning, and the other in teaching it the alphabet. Beyond them, over a wide landscape supposed to be the Plains, an aerial car is floating, from which is being laid the trans-montane telegraph to California. The coasts of the Pacific are seen, and Jonathan riding a whale with the cord in hand which is to unite our harbors with Asia. A Chinaman is flying before the approach of this aquatic barbarian, who is supposed to sing out, "you git!" The elaborate notion seemed to afford a good deal of amusement. Another, transparency, giving a view of the ocean, ships, and opposite shores of the Atlantic was exhibited motto:
"Success to the Cable."
On the other side, an eagle and coils of cable.
McGregor's Confectionery, on J street, was finely illuminated, and showed a long transparency, with the following motto:
May the spark that flashes across the Ocean
kindle into a flame those embers of good feeling
that ought forever to unite the civilizers of the
world the Anglo-Saxon Race!
E. Jacobs had a small transparency before his store, very cleverly executed. The Queen and Brother Jonathan stand again at the ends of the cable; says Jonathan:
"Good morning, sister Vic, how d'ye do?"
The Queen's reply is:
"Pretty well, Brother Jonathan, how are you?''
L. Sloes & Co. had the following illuminated inscription:
"The Atlantic Cable May its electric belt soon encircle
California's waist."
Auld's dry goods store had the annexed well chosen line from Job xxxviii, 85:
"Can't thou send the lightnings, that they may go and
say unto thee. Here we are?"
A fine display of colored lights was set out before Greenebaum's. There was a similarly handsome show of lanterns in front of McDonald's.
J. Davis displayed before his door a transparency giving the following sentiment:
"Electricity Caught by Franklin ; harnessed by Morse;
drawn by Field."
Phoenix Shoe Store showed a lion and eagle shaking bands, with tbe motto:
"Union of Nations and Fraternity."
Also a transparency reprepresenting the Queen and President shaking hands across the water. Motto:
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and
good will toward men."
Linton & Beck "Big Tree Store" had flags suspended across the street, and the limbs of the old pioneer sycamore gaily hung with candelabras.
J. R. Tolles had a line of wire stretched from his store across the street, along which letters were represented as passing.
The Sierra Nevada Hotel displayed, in colored lights, the words "America" and "Europe." The William Tell House also showed colored lights. We have now reached the Public Square, at which point the procession is to turn into Tenth street. We must now hasten back to meet the advancing column, which is stretching out like that fiery cord uniting the nations, its line of march encompassed with the glare of many colored fires and exploding rockets, and "candles." The whole number of illuminated buildings on J street, up to this corner (Tenth street) is 152.
The triumphal car which we noticed above was followed by carriages containing one of the Supreme Judges, Governor's Secretary, President and members of the Board of Supervisors, Orator and other personages of note. After these came the Hebrew Benevolent Society, twenty-six in line, with the following inscriptions:
"Hebrew Benevolent Association ; organized 1850."
"If by water, why not by land?"
"Let the world be bound with wires."
Beneath Old Ocean passes the Electric Fire,
As a band of Friendship, may It never expire.
The Young Men's Hebrew Benevolent Association, with transparencies and mottoes, succeeded the above. Their inscriptions were:
"Young Men's Hebrew Benevolent Association, organized July 8, 1855."
"May the electric chords which bind us never part."
May no contention burst our Electric Chain
Following the above, came the American Brass Band, at the head of the Fire Department. We have never seen our firemen turn out with fuller ranks or in better trim. They were a noble feature in the procession. First came Confidence Engine Company, No. 1, 76 men and 6 boys; next, Mutual Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1, 24 men; next, Protection Engine Company, No. 2, and hose cart.
The "Good Time" has come Magnetic Time
by which dinner comes before breakfast!
Hook and Ladder Company No. 2, 35 men, came next. Forward on the truck was seated a son of James H. Clark (member of the company), aged about four years, dressed in Yankee costume bell crowned hat with narrow brim, yellow vest and linsey woolsey pants with brass buttons, and longtailed coat, made for a member of the company (who now stands six feet in his stockings.) At the rear of the truck was seated a daughter of Israel Luce, of about the same age, in a chair of state and in regal dignity, representing Queen Victoria.
We can whisper in a moment with "Old Folks
at Home."
Sacramento Engine Company, No. 3, 56 men, appeared next. In addition to the fine turn-out, they bore the following mottoes of their own:
"The Cable John and Jonathan each hold a butt."
"He said, Let there be Light, and there was Light."
A little boy was mounted on their machine.
St. Petersburgh, London and New York now. New
York, Sacramento, Pekin and St. Petersburg soon.
Next came Eureka Engine Company, No. 4, 60 men, looking well, like the others.
Cyrus Field, Stephen Field. "What's in a
name?" Let's unite them by Telegraph!
Knickerbocker Engine Company, No. 5, 45 men, followed, also presenting a fine appearance.
We have all seen a rope walk,
We can now hear a rope talk.
Lastly came Neptune Hose Company, No. 1, 31 men.
So, our Old Buck and England's Daughter
Dispatch their business under water.
The last three companies made a grand blaze with their torches.
The first after the Fire Department are the Turn Verein Association, which musters 44 athletic looking men. They are dressed in their light suits and bear the following mottos:
"Sacramento Turn Verein; organized June 2d, 1854."
"All hail the Atlantic Cable; we will soon greet our
brothers by the magic might!"
"Through exercise we attain agility of body and
clearness of mind."
"The Atlantic Cable a herald to the Pacific and an
emblem of the nation."
The Turners also carried lanterns of gay colors and appropriate devices. They were succeeded by the Atheneum Society, 24 members. These bore a transparency on which was written
"Atheneum, Art, Science, Oratory."
What Field? Why the cabalistic Field; the
Field of the Atlantic.
Sacramento Mutual Benevolent Society,
organized May 17th 1850. We visit the sick and
comfort the afflicted.
Jefferson Grammar School, with 18 young scholars, followed, bearing a banner, also, inscription as follows:
"We honor the triumph of Genius and Labor."
I'll put a girdle round about the earth In forty
The Telegraph from St. Louis to Sacramento on
its way around the Globe! Push it along!
Marching up bravely in the rear of their schoolfellows, came the young Cadets of Temperance. They carried a splendid banner, and formed an interesting feature in the procession. There were 31 of these young fellows.
Hudson and his path through the Ocean the
Rhone of the New World!
Its course is under the mountain wave,
Its home ls In the deep !
The parade of footmen is at an end, and now come the wagons and horsemen. First, Wells, Fargo & Co.'s wagon, with transparencies showing their firm; next, the Merchants' Express; and after this, a wagon which expressed the great sentiment of the spectators, who lined the streets through which the procession passed, better than anything that had been written or said. It was a representation of the progress which the Placerville Telegraph Company is making in carrying their line over the mountains. The wagon contained workmen from the Pacific Pottery, who were busy making insulators for the line. The transparency of the Pacific Pottery was four-sided, and inscribed as follows:
F. A. Bee, P. H. Lovell, Dr. Chorpenning Pioneers of the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company."
''Making insulators for the Placerville and Humboldt Telegraph Ccmpany."
"1860 Latest Dispatch to the UNION from Europe Great Riot In Paris."
"Pacific Pottery."
One thousand of the insulators (manufactured from California clay), were forwarded yesterday to Placerville, per Wells, Fargo & Co., and will be sufficient to complete forty miles of the line.
The nuptials are over, may the honeymoon last
forever !
Albion and Columbia Their extended arms clasp
continents and chain oceans.
Transparencies with the following mottoes were also carried in the procession:
"Franklin, Morse, Field Science, Art, Energy."
"The Sea speaks to the Mountains!"
"The Overland Mall The Harbinger of the Telegraph
and Railroad."
"England, America and the Cable May their Strands
never be parted!"
"John and Jonathan are 'saucyable.'
All for to lay the Atlantic Cable."
"London and New York by submersion. Where's our
"The Cable The Matrimonial Bond! May no Divorce
be granted!"
"The elder Field 'Now boys, fire away!'"
A body of horsemen now brought up the rear of procession which would have done credit to any city in the Union, making pretence to fine stock and good riders. It was composed of the Butchers', Draymen's and Teamsters' Associations, and numbered about 100 horsemen. Among them was a small detachment of our expectad Washington guests, who seem to have crossed the bridge to look on in considerable numbers yesterday, but not to take part in the procession.
The procession has been twenty minutes in passing our stand, and by this time the head of the column, having passed through Tenth street, is now turning into K, down which latter street it is to pass to Second, and so on in the order of its march. We may here employ the intermission until their return by a look about among the fires. It is impossible to attempt to specify even those places where the lights shine brightest; we can only pass from point to point.
At the foot of J street, a large bonfire was kindled by J. & P. Carolan. The blazing pile was nearly as high as an awning post. The powder and tar kegs and other combustibles were girded together by one of the wheels of the old steamer Kearney, which was burnt last fall in Yolo.
Another still larger bonfire was built on the corner of L and Front streets by the merchants of Front street contributing to the work. This was kindled as the procession came down L street, and its procession lit up both sides of the river like a conflagration. The effect was maguificent. From this point a salute was fired while the procession were marching.
During the evening, at 120 and 122 J street, Wilson & Evans, and T. C. Stephens fired, with some heavy English arms, eighty-four guns, which made a report but little inferior to cannon.
As the procession was passing through Seventh street, between I and J streets, rockets were discharged in profusion from the house of Gibbs & Holmes, which was brilliantly illuminated.
The route of the procession led them through several streets, whose appearance we can only advert to in a notice here and there.
K street made a fine show, particularly about the lower part. The Crescent City was illuminated by upwards of 300 candles, along its balconies. Lafayette Hall had a transparency:
"Success to the Cable."
Three large bonfires, located at the head of I, J and L streets, lighted up the Levee and was reflected upon the waters of the Sacramento. The following buildings were illuminated: Saloon of A. Quanchi, No. 82; clothing and furnishing Store of O. N. Chapman, No. 39; shop of Leggett, No. 42; drug store of F. W. Taylor; United States Hotel; Branch of Universal, D. Fil & Co.; Eclipse Cigar Store, No. 48, and Howard's Porter Depot, No. 50.
In this street, at the corner of K, there was a luminous representation of a star, at the furniture store of Burr & Little, which produced a fine effect the building otherwise was well illuminated, also, the Eureka House, kept by Mrs. Branks; the engine house of Eureka Company No. 4; the Ohio Brewery Depot; Korn's Hotel; Bernard Mahler's tailor shop; H. Wetzel's shoe shop; James Rowan's employment office, and Old Jo.'s Saloon. This street was also lighted up by a bonfire.
At the corner of Seventh and J streets, the wholesale stores of Sneath & Arnold and Flagg, Powers & Culver were finely illuminated; also, Polhemus' drug store, the Queen City Saloon, Gibbs & Holmes' iron and steel store, Mrs. Tilden's boarding house and the Oriental Saloon.
This street was also lighted up with a large bonfire, and other lesser lights. The following buildings were made luminous with a variety of lights, tastefully arranged: House of No. 2, Alert Hook and Ladder Company, boarding house of Mrs. A., shop of Dr. Hackett, house of Edward Dady and United States Bakery.
The State House on this street was illuminated, and standing as it did, "solitary and alone," without the support of the officers of State, with the exception, alone, of the State Controller, Col. G. W. Whitman, seemed to administer a silent rebuke to those dignitaries who had deserted the State Capital and the Capitol building to take part in a celebration at a neighboring city. This matter was a topic of much comment during the day, and the remarks indulged in were not complimentary to the sense of propriety exhibited by the Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Attorney General and Adjutant General, who left the city of their residence on such an occasion. The American ensign was hoisted over the building.
The Franklin School House made a beautiful show. In addition to its lights, two illuminated azure shields were placed in the cupola, on one of which, surrounded by a golden glory, was the name of Franklin. The other showed a figure of Science, dispensing her wreaths, her head crowned with stars.
The boarding house of Mrs. Van Every was one of the most conspicuous objects in this street. Every window in front was splendidly illuminated, and between the house and street an additional brilliancy was produced by a tasteful arrangement which showed to great advantage. The design was very beautiful and exceedingly creditable to those who originated the design.
Through L street the display of lights in the buildings was not as great as it should have been. Nevett's private boarding house was finely illuminated, and contributed much to the splendor of the scene.
In Tenth street there was also a lack of spirit in illuminating. Only two or three places, and these private houses, showed lights.
At 9 o'clock the head of the long flaming line was seen to turn into K from Third street, and move to Second, the point of starting, before the Orleans. On the opposite side from the hotel, as we have mentioned, was the speaker's stand. As the procession countermarched by this, the orator of the day, J. F. Morse, attended by the President of the Supervisors, D. Meeker, of the Executive Committee, and one of the Marshals, entered the stand. By this time, the whole street was packed with spectators from J to K. Above, from the balconies, the concourse of ladies overhung the scene in the street, like the rosy fringes of morning clouds above a fair day. Every available place below and aloft was packed with human witnesses. The procession came to a bait at last, and the Marshal announced the order of exercises. The American Band then performed the national anthem of England, "God Save the Queen." This was followed by president Nichols reading the subjoined correspondence between the cities of Marysville and Sacramento:
In the afternoon and evening, the following telegraphic correspondence took place between Marysville and Sacramento:
MARYSVILLE, Sept. 27, 1858 6 P.M.
To PRESIDENT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: The City of the Buttes send greeting to the City of the Plains. We now celebrate the success of the Atlantic Telegraph line. May we soon celebrate the opening of the Telegraphic communication between the Pacific and Atlantic coasts.
SACRAMENTO, Sept. 27, 1858 6 P.M.
To PETER DECKER, Mayor of Marysville: The City ft the Plains cordially reciprocates the greetings ot the City of the Buttes, while engaged in celebrating the success of the Atlantic Cable, and hopes ere long to join with her in celebrating the completion of a Telegraphic line between the Pacific and Atlantic, and also the opening of a Railroad between those seas. H. L. NICHOLS,
President Board of Supervisors
The reading of the above was received with applause, and three cheers for the City of the Buttes were demanded and gave "with a will."
And now was added to tho many fine effects already produced by emblems, devices, illuminations, fireworks and instrumental music, the harmony of a well practiced choir the Philharmonic Society, of Sacramento. Between twenty and thirty ladies and gentlemen, of the best musical talent in our city, had taken their places on the balcony of the Orleans, and under the leadership of their musical director, N. A. H. Ball, treated their large auditory to such an execution of the British national anthem as has probably never been heard in the open air of California before. The great crowd stood silent until its close, and then attested their satisfaction by loud cheers. We give the verses of the anthem:
God save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen.
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us,
God save the Queen.
Thy choicest gifts in store,
On her be pleased to pour,
Long may she reign,
May she defend our laws.
And ever give us cause
To sing withheart and voice,
God save the Queen.
O, grant her long to see
Friendship and unity
Always increase;
May she her scepter sway,
All loyal souls obey,
Join heart and voice, huzza !
God save the Queen.
The Band now played the Star-Spangled Banner, and were followed by a vocalization of our national song, by the Philharmonic Company. Their performance in this gave greater pleasure, of course, than in the English anthem. So clear and still was the night, that the full, rich notes ot the singers could be beard two or three blocks distant. We also give the words of our national song:
O say can you see from the dawn's early light.
What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming;
Whose stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight
O'er the ramparts we watch'd were so gallantly streaming;
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there,
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes;
What is that which the breeze o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream,
'Tis the star-spangled banner, O long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave
And where is that band who so vaultingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country shall leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave;
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
O thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their lov'd home and the war's desolation,
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the Heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserv'd us a nation;
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto " In God is our trust!"
And the star spangled banner In triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
The orator of the occasion was now presented, and received with cordial greetings. He proceeded to deliver the following oration:
"Deep calleth unto deep," and from the dark and cavernous labyrinths of ocean, the answering voice proclaims: The Atlantic Cable is laid; glory to God in the highest; peace on earth, and good will to man."
Mind and matter have completed their coalescence, and the nuptial ceremony is welling up the accents of joy and gladness and gratitude, from the warm hearts of a hundred millions of God's intelligent creatures. The electric filaments by which the glorious Union has been consummated, have been purified by fire, and made to repose in quiet security and sanctification, within the deep and fathomless Baptismal Fount of Jehovah !
The Inhabitants of earth may well rejoice, for even the coy naiades of ocean have voluntarily established registries of intelligence with the genius of commerce, and extended the right hand of fellowship and utility to man.
"Roll on, thou deep and dark blue ocean, roll,
Ten thousand fleets" may "sweep over thee in vain."
Yet, 'neath thy troubled surface will lie the mystic cord of Peace and mysterious intelligence, which Providence has established to preserve the unity of two great nations, and to open that momentary correspondence that woes to the exercise of civility and favors the diffusion of the elements of progressive human happiness.
The event is too wonderful for the contemplation of the human mind. A less credulous people than the followers of Moses, who saw with stunning amazemeut the appearance of God in the burning bush, might be readily excused. if they regarded this gigantic achievement as the direct revelation of deity, through the handiwork of man. And as the bush that burned upon Mount Sinai was unchanged and unharmed by the fire, so, in undisturbed grandeur, doth the old ocean, whose watery depths are now traversed by lightning currents, still lave her iron bound shores, still break her sportive crests in storems and bare her buoyant bosom to those "who go down to the sea in ships."
Would to heaven that I had the language to embody and express the beauty of this momentous era in the history of the world! Characters of communication pale into flickering and bewildering symbols when summoned to make proclamation of the claims of such a a wondrous phenomenon. Words make mockery of the intention of panegyric, and sentences subside into insignificance when sought for as the fulfillment of eulogy inspired by such an event.
It is not the moral grandeur or the scientific sublimity of such an incident in the annals of time, that can be best and most easily appreciated by the people of the present, day. No rhapsody of sentiment, no portraiture of fancy, no revelry in imagination, no galvanism of art, can approach the omnipotent sphere of interest, beauty and gorgeousness. which the hand or genius and industry, sustained by the providential favors of God, have thus opened to the naked gaze and admiration of mankind.
A millennial age of scientific and universal mental maturity, to which the great Arcana of Nature had been open and read as a bock, from which elementary and abstract truth kept no secrets where the hidden mysteries of causation, in motive and essence, were generally known and understood at such a time and under such circumstances, these momentous powers, these elastic combinations of animate and inanimate intelligence, might be viewed and estimated by a higher and a holier standard of appreciation, than of mere utility and selfish profit.
To us it comes as an unexpected token of utilitarian advancement, and by contributing to our ideas of real, demonstrable usefulness, it challenges our gratitude and evokes a feeling which we cannot express, "yet cannot all conceal."
It would be quite natural for us to contemplate its conjectural bearing upon the onward progress of Science, which, vitalized by the daring genius of the nineteenth century, seems to be inundating the very domain of popular errors, and achieving feats of intelligence and progress which are at the same time grand, wonderful, incomprehensible.
To the vast world of scientific truth, it has been contributed as the last magnetic link to the endless chain of scientific discovery, and by its electric and amazing revolutions it seems as if the universe of man was to be encircled with a galvanic band of intelligence more potent in displaying and correcting the weaknesses of society and government than "the detecting spear of Ithuriel or the sword of Michael."
It is, indeed, in this connection, the political effects of this new medium of international communication in which the mind is yielded to contemplation with rapture and delight. What will be the result of this novel and momentary contact of the two leading nationalities of the globe? What effect will it exert upon the respective Governments of Great Britain and the United States? Two Governments that differ more in name than in the real elements of civil liberty that acquire refuge and protection, in one, under the style of Constitutional Monarchy; in the other, through the name of Constitutional Republicanism. The one a parent; the other a child but both matured, heroic, powerful.
Will not this new stimulant, applied to the heart and soul of two such nations, have a tendency to draw them into the insensible and irrevokable bonds of union and brotherhood? Will it not result in giving tone and greater sagacity to the spirit of Liberty, to the heart of Justice, and soul of Equality, which now distinguishes them in their separate relations? Will it not obliterate prejudices? Will it not eflace the poignancy of that record that refers to past conflicts? Will it not aasauge the conservative coldness and arrogance that still plume themselves (in the Englishman's mind) upon feudal derivation and barronial pride? Will it not arrest the impetuosity, the vanity and conceit, which support themselves (in the American's mind) by a masterly cultivation of personal independence, and a huge genius for the speculations of life?
Yes, yes. A thousand times, yes. It will assimilate English and American commerce their manufacturing interests increase the area of their agricultural experiments and productions advance the mutual interests of education, and impart such a feeling of family consideration and pride as will antagonize disaffection and make wrangling and warfare quite improbable.
Atter having thus disposed of some of the generality of the great theme you are celebrating, you will excuse me if I attempt to make a more directly profitable use of the great event.
Here in California we are not most favorably situated for awarding to this thrilling achievement of science, in the hands of a glorious American citizen, that meed of homage which is dictated by immediate personal and pecuniary interest. On this point, our position is a most aggravated one. We are, it is true, a sovereign State in the general galaxy of confederated commonwealths. No waters divide us from our native homes no mountain barriers interpose obstacles which feeble women and sickly children do not overcome with impunity. We have no mean population with which to urge a claim upon parental solicitude and governmental protection. Our golden exports have been prodigiously convenient to the Government and people who live within the immediate magnetic circle of trans-Atlantic correspondence; and yet, in the space of TEN years, the whole vast Government has not done as much in opening telegraphic communication across a belt of land peculiarly fitted for, and inviting the enterprise, as a single individual has accomplished, traversing, magnetic cable in hand, the submarine caverns of the broad and storm-chafed Atlantic Ocean.
As much, did I say? The sentence conveys an innuendo too derogatory to the heroic Field, and I apologize for an injustice which was accidentally provoked by a thought of the miserable inefficiency of our National Government.
There is something constitutionally wrong and radically unjust and abusive, if Government has exhausted her means of protection and fraternal sympathy in behalf of the wants of California.
But who consoles himself with such an absurdity ? The Government has few faults, and none, none, none, that cripple, her, in the protection of her citizens wherever they may be whether in the Arctic regions, on the arid plains of Sahara, in the riots of Panama, in the political precincts of Kansas, or upon the mighty coast of the Pacific Ocean constitutional power is ample, her means exhaustless, and her people loyal to a fault in backing her against the world.
Do not understand me, as trespassing in denunciation upon those differences of opinion, which honorably divide men upon the subject of Internal Improvements. I respect those opinions too highly, and am too much in doubt upon the subject myself to even call the question up by allusion, under such circumstances. I refer to the Overland Telegraph, and even a trans-montane Railroad, as conceded and legitimate exceptions to the most rigid constitutional construction against Internal Improvement. And as projects, paternally and fraternally admitted, as constitutional, just, necessary and natural, I allude to them in the reiterated declaration, that, though urged by justice for a period of ten years, demanded as a right, and begged for as an indispenslble protection and favor. That yet, the whole Government, in its attempt to open communication with its own unprotected subjects upon the Pacific Coast, had not accomplished one thousandth part as much in ten years, as the noble brother of Judge Field has done in the short space of eighteen months.
On this subject, as a people, irrespective of party, we have a right to feel that we have been badly treated; under circumstances, too, which add bitter poignancy to the thoughts of injury and injustice. But in the sacred quotation already used, we may exclaim "Glory to God in the highest," that we are not dependent upon a wrangling, gladiatorial Congress for the necessary means of coercing Nature's forces into the useful and peaceful services of mankind.
No, thank Heaven! there are store-houses of genius and energy contained in the vaulted cranium of a speculative Jonathan, which, when germinated by science, can outstrip the vaunted Government of our country, in peacefully writing the imperishable term and tenure of Immortality upon the Nation's name.
What the confederated, Congressional intellect could not do in ten years, was, to the furtive mind of Cyrus W. Field an inviting exploit in which to engage the irrepressible powers of a single individual.
And bringing to the colossal undertaking all of the elastic heroism of human energy, associated with that kind of inflexible determination that fired the great Spartan heart at the pass of Thermopylae; staking his entire worldly wealth and his pride of sagacity upon the issue, he entered the contest to triumph in the project, or, if vanquished, to die in the struggle. That God, who kindly watches over the falling of a sparrow, smiled upon his magnificent scheme; noble-hearted co-operators and glorious compeers extended the hand of generous and abiding assistance; the very water nymphs, enamored of the daring experiment, guided the insulated and virgin visitant along the flower beds of a Floral Ocean, and as the result of the conjugated powers the trump of jubilee is sounding forth the undying echo: "The Atlantic Cable is laid! Glory to God in the highest! Peace on Earth, and good will to man."
Oh, that you had the time and patience, and I the necessary ability, to trace the manifestations of electricity, from the astonished individual who first shrank from a touch of the Malaptererus Electricus, or from the wonder-striken man who first recognized the electric sparks emitted upon rudely rumpling the hairs upon the back of a cat, to the culminating grandeur of that subtle agent which permeates the entire material universe, and widen, at the desire of human genius, kindly consents to become an amphibious message bearer across the submarine hills, and plains, and valleys of the broad Atlantic.
Such an indulgence would be out of the question. But I should be less than American, aye, we would be all of us unworthy of the name did we dare to pass over this event without a liberal and enthusiastic reference to that unequaled and unutterably sublime Triumvirate FRANKLIN, MOSES and FIELD! God be praised for such contributions to the population of our country! What a glorious antecedence! What a grand and gorgeous succession? From the Printer to the Professor, from the Professor to the Merchant; what native greatness! what accumulating rank! what corruscation of character! what stupendous and Heaven-lighted glory and renown!
Little did Franklin appreciate the fact, when learning the properties ot lightning from its fantastic tricks along the line of a kite string, that another American mind would be developed in the succeeding century, who, without diminishing his fame, would acquire even greater lustre by imparting to lightning the power of speech through intelligible DOTS and DASHES, irrespective of distance or appreciable time. Oh, what an invention was this! Could anything short of superhuman intuition have conducted the mind to a conception so grand, so perfect, so sublime in its inception and results?
Is there a man so void of mind and reflection that he can enter a telegraph office and listen to the magic articulations of the inanimate speech maker and letter writer, without emotions of surprise, pride and rapture? What an achievement in science what a complete triumph of mind over matter what an adaptation of invisible an intangible forces to the utilitarian and progressive spirit of the age! What must be this man's claim upon his country and his countrymen! what his destiny! In the language of the great Bryant,
"My heart it awed within me, when I think
Of the great miracle that still goes on
In silence, round me the perpetual work
Of Thy creation; finish'd, yet renew'd
Forever. Written on Thy works I read
The lesson of Thy own eternity."
But Professor Morse could not, and would not monpoliz. the elements of fame to which lightning conducts the human mind; and the glorious Field next comes in to complete the unparalleled triumvirate. Oh, what an electric circle of genius, energy and perseverance! What a diadem of fadeless glory have these benefactors of America placed upon the placid brew of the Goddess of liberty! All honor to these, the brilliant votaries of American science and the real philanthropists of life. Whilst living we would have them made the constant recipients of respect and honor, and when gathered to their fathers, we would have their united memories embalmed in the emerald embrace of a devoted and grateful nation.
Ladies and Gentlemen: Before closing this imperfect ovation to the cause of science and the claims of my countrymen, may we not look to the grand event we are this night celebrating as a hallowed and magnetic encouragement to us, in our hope of soon being united by electric wires to our old and cherished homes and friends? Already is the work commenced, and such a feeling enlisted as seems to give a certain guaranty of early and complete success, not by General Government, but, perhaps, by a better, prompter and sounder means, by the strength and industry of individual energy and determination.
Let the gentlemen of California give warm and substantial support and countenance to this, the next most momentous enterprise of the human mind.
And you, ladies, to whose complimentary presence I am so much indebted, what can you do, in the promotion of an object so glorious as the establishment of a momentary communication between the friends and neighbors, the swains and sweethearts of the Pacific and Atlantic States? A system of electric correspondence, in which we are constantly assured that all communications are "strictly confidential."
"The matrons of Rome came forward in the necessitous extremities of the nation, and poured their jewels into the public treasuries for defense. The wives of Prussia dedicated their delicate fingers to the manufacture of soldiers' garments, when their country was invaded by French aggressors. The mothers of our own cherished country cheerfully brought forth their sons as heart offerings at the shrine of patriotic duty." And now there is an appeal to you, not in behalf of the country in war, not for the means of defense against the destroyers of our homes, our property and lives; but in favor of the establishment of a magnetic, circulating medium of universal peace; in which the graces of your sex acquire their sweetest charms, and your administration over the affections and affairs of man is most absolute and irresistible. To you we make an appeal in favor of the trans-montane Telegraph not, however, by the sacrifice of your jewels, or the work of your delicate fingers in the manufacture of military wardrobes, but by the daily assistance of your magnetic souls, embodied in sentiments of approbation, which will increase the intensity of that enthusiasm that is now setting the poles and stretching the lines between this city and the valley of Salt Lake. In all enterprises, and among all man, there are but few who do not echo the sentiments of Dr. Franklin, who poetically declares that
"Charming woman can true converts make,
We leve the precepts for the teacher's sake;
Virtue in her appears so bright and gay
We hear with pleasure, and with pride obey."
The orator was thirty minutes in delivering his address, and during this time secured the most respectful attention from the immense audience, and their warm plaudits at its close.
After the oration, the following resolutions were offered by D. Meeker, and unanimously adopted by the large assemblage:
WHEREAS, The people of California, as is shown by the demonstration of to-day, are not behind their kindred in the perceptive or appreciative faculties; but with the warm pulsation of the American heart, recognized the achievements of science and energy everywhere; yet, whereas, our past suplneness may subject us to the imputation of blindness or indifference as to what concerns themselves, we feel it incumbent upon us to
Resolve, That we recognize the establishment of the Overland Mail Route, via Salt Lake, as a tardy acknowledgement of the duty of the General Government towards her people on the Pacific.
Resolved, That as the harbinger of civilization through the vast wilderness which it traverses, and as the precursor of the Telegraph and Railroad, that Mail Line deserves and should receive the fostering care of the Executive of the nation.
Resolved, That California relies with confidence upon the patriotism and the pledged word of James Buchanan for the efficient aid of his Administration in giving us, through our own Territories, the utmost facility of intercourse with our kindred at home.
Resolved, That the Placerville and Humboldt Telegraph Company have shown, by the energy which has already placed the wires upon the summit of the Nevadas, that they are entitled to the earnest support of their fellow-citizens in carrying out their enterprise.
Resolved, That the stretching the wires across the mountains, valleys, and vast plains of this great continent, thereby uniting still more closely the citizen, of our common country, is as well entitled to governmental assistance as the great lines across the ocean.
Resolved, That our Representatives at Washington are requested to urge the claims to such aid as the Government can bestow of those enterprising associations who are struggling to give to California the facilities indispensable to the era in which we live.
Resolved, That in calling attention to these smaller matters, we have by no means forgotten that the great American achievement of the nineteenth century is the Pacific Railroad, and that the great statesmen and capitalists of the nation owe it to themselves, to the era in which they live, and to our common brotherhood, to speedily consummate it.
The finale of the evening's exercises was now announced in a hymn to be sung hy the Philharmonic Society. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow," fitly concluded the celebration. When the last verse was sung, the crowd seemed reluctant to break up, so full were all hearts of the festivities of the occasion. At last, however, after pledging each other in many hearty cheers, the companies and spectators wended their way homewards. There were some "late runners" besides the poor reporters who waited on this busy festival. About 11 o'clock, a mock parade of military, with horns, gongs, and uncouth regimentals, passed our office. We may here acknowledge our thanks to these, and to several of our fire companies, for their courteous salutes paid while passing our office.
No accidents occurred during the day, with the single exception of one in the case a young lady, who represented Britannia in the Triumphal Car. Becoming dizzy and faint by the glare and smoke, of the torches, she fell from the seat at the corner of Eighth and K streets, and it was feared at one time that she was badly injured, as she struck on her head in falling. Late in the evening, however, we heard that she was very comfortable, and no danger was apprehended.
After the procession last night the members of Alert Hook & Ladder Co., No. 2, assembled at the house to partake of refreshments previously prepared, Young America (Brother Jonathan) and "Young England" (Queen Victoria), the former little Charley Clarke, and the latter little Mary Rosina Luce, presiding. A fine collation, including wines, was set out for all who called.