[Trade Journal]
Publication: Glass Factory Directory
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 104,112,114,118,130,132, col. 1
This list includes manufacturers of prescriptions and vials, beers and minerals, patent and proprietary medicines, liquors and flasks, packers and preservers, fruit jars and milk bottles.
Armstrong Cork Co., Dunkirk; 2 tanks, 14 machines. V. L. Ritter, Plant Mgr. Prescriptions, vials, proprietary, perfumes, toilets, general line and food containers. For officers see listing under Pennsylvania.
Armstrong Cork Co., Millville; 5 con. tanks, 27 machines. For officers see listing under Pennsylvania; Roger F. Scott, Plant Mgr. Prescriptions, vials, proprietary, perfumes, toilets, general line and food containers, power and communications insulators, laboratory supplies.
Armstrong Cork Co., office only at Lancaster; Glass & Closure Div.; Plants: Dunkirk, Ind., Millville, N. J. H. W. Prentis, Jr., Ch. of Board; C. J. Backstrand, Pres.; Kenneth O. Bates, Ex. V.P.; C. F. Hawker, V.P.-Mfg.; E. Claxton, V.P.-New Prod. Planning; A. H. Sheaffer, Sec'y; I. Wayne Keller, Cont.; M. J. Warnock, V.P.; W. E. Hoadley, Jr., Treas.; J. C. Feagley, V.P.-Gen. Mgr.; R. H. Hetzel, Ass't. Gen. Mgr.-Gen. Sales Mgr.; W. W. Pedrick, Prod. Mgr.; R. M. Ulmer, Ass't Gen. Sales Mgr.