[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Glass Review Glass Factory Directory Issue
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 129,138, col. 1
Bottle and Container
The following detailed listings include manufacturers of all types of glass hollow ware ranging in size from perfume bottles to demi-johns and carboys. Factory listings by product follow the factory data section.
Gayner Glass Works, Salem, N. J.
Lewis F. Gayner, president and treasurer; William A. Kerr, sales manager; J. Edward Godwin, vice president; Thomas M. Hall, secretary; Raymond Paruszewski, purchasing agent; Dr. R. O. Smith, chemist; Albert W. Alten, plant manager. All kinds of battery jars, carboys, water bottles and a general line of large ware and druggists' ware. Chemical containers, food, packers and preservers, prescription and proprietary, private mould, specialties, machine and hand. 3 continuous tanks.