[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Glass Review Glass Factory Directory Issue
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 17,18,19,20,21,22,24,25,26,27,28,29, col. 1
The Year 1956 in Review
...a month-by-month recapitulation of the
news highlights of 1956 in the American glass
industry, as recorded in the pages of the
Owens-Illinois opens third California silica sand plant at Iona, Calif., with tests indicating enough sand to last 50 years.
Carl R. Megowan, president of Owens-Illinois, in commenting on growing demand for glass containers, warns that it would be disastrous for business and industry to fail to recognize the many changes in our methods of living, or to fail to recognize the need for improvements of products and processes to keep pace with these changes.
John L. Gushman becomes general manager of the new International Division of Owens-Illinois Glass Company.
John H. Wright, retired vice president of Owens-Illinois Glass Company and former general manager of Libbey Glass Division, dies in Toledo.
Edwin D. Dodd is named factories manager of the Libbey Glass Division of Owens-Illinois Glass Company.
Col. Evan Ewan Kimble, founder of the Kimble Glass Company, now a subsidiary of Owens-Illinois Glass Company, dies at home in New Jersey at the age of 88.
Half-million dollar educational aid program is established by Owens-Illinois Glass Company to benefit scholars, high school teachers, and colleges in widely scattered parts of the United States.
Owens-Illinois Glass Company announces construction plans for new container factory in Atlanta, Ga., and another southeast of Havana, Cuba.
Thomas M. Huber is named manager of the glass container plant being built by Owens-Illinois Glass Company near Havana, Cuba.
Owens-Illinois announces plan to spend one million dollars on initial promotion of special no-deposit quart size beer bottles.
James W. Hackett is promoted to director of engineering at the Owens-Illinois Technical Center, and Joseph C. Hamilton becomes director of research.
Owens-Illinois develops new glass container surface treatment known as Duracote, which is expected eventually to replace all previously developed O-I surface treatments.
C. G. Bensinger is named president of the Glass Container Division of Owens-Illinois.
Owens-Illinois Glass Company and National Container Corporation merge, with O-I becoming the surviving corporation.
Owens-Illinois Glass Company announces price increase for nearly all of its products.
Clarion, Pa., marks "Buy in Glass" Week, a city-wide promotion sparked by Owens-Illinois Glass Company officials at the Clarion plant. Program emphasizes to all local citizens in dramatic fashion the significant part the glass factory plays in their daily livliehood.
Owens-Illinois Glass Company opens new plant in Parkrose, suburb of Portland, Ore.
Experimental Daylight Research House, developed at Ann Arbor, Mich., by Daylighting Laboratory of the University of Michigan, portends a tremendous future for daylighting techninques in their application to residential building, says Robert A. Boyd, director.
Harold Ottesen is named manager of the new Owens-Illinois Glass Company plant being constructed at Atlanta, Ga.