[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Glass Review Glass Factory Directory Issue
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 125,126, col. 1
Bottle and Container
The following detailed listings include manufacturers of all types of glass hollow ware ranging in size from perfume bottles to demi-johns and carboys. Factory listings by product follow the factory data section.
Armstrong Cork Co., West Liberty Street, Lancaster, Pa. (EXpress 7-0611); Factories at Millville, N. J. and Dunkirk, Ind.
C. J. Backstrand, president; K. O. Bates, executive vice president; R. H. Hetzel, vice president and general manager, packaging materials operations; A. H. Scheaffer, secretary; W. E. Hoadley, treasurer; M. L. Lampe, purchasing agent; W. W. Pedrick, III, production manager; W. P. Bramlett, Jr., chemist; G. McLaughlin, purchasing agent; R. M. Ulmer, sales manager; V. L. Ritter, plant manager, Dunkirk; R. F. Scott, plant manager, Millville. 8 continuous tanks, 45 rings. Food, beverage, beer, wine, liquor, household, chemical, industrial, prescription, medicinal, private mould glassware.