[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Glass Review Glass Factory Directory Issue
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 121,130, col. 1
Bottle and Container
The following detailed listings include manufacturers of all types of glass hollow ware ranging in size from perfume bottles to demi-johns and carboys. Factory listings by product follow the factory data section.
Gayner Glass Works, 32 W. Broadway, Salem, N. J. (Tel. YE 5-2200).
Bernard L. Sachs, president; Lester R. Edwards, vice-president; Geroge R. Moore, vice-president; R. A. Senkbeil, general manager; N. B. Grossman, secretary and treasurer; William Kerr, sales manager; A. J. Hatala, controller; Ira Band, purchasing agent; Walter D. Moore, plant manager; P. Pryor, office manager. Flasks, flint, food, green, household, chemical, liquor and wine, milk, narrowneck, packers and preservers, pharmaceutical, widemouth, private mold. 2 continuous tanks. 7 machines. 5 I.S. and 2 Lynch.