[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Glass Review Glass Factory Directory Issue
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 119,135-136,145,162,163,165, col. 1
Bottle and Container
The following detailed listings include manufacturers of all types of glass hollow ware ranging in size from perfume bottles to demi-johns and carboys. Factory listings by product follow the factory data section.
Owens-Illinois, General Offices, P.O. Box 1035-36 Toledo 1, Ohio (Tel. 419-242-543). Factories, Glass Container Division: Alton, Ill.; Atlanta, Ga.; Bridgeton, N. J.; Brockport, N.Y.; Charlotte, Mich.; Clarion, Pa.; Durham, N. C.; Fairmont, W. Va.; Gas City, Ind.; Godfrey, Ill; Huntington, W. Va.; New Orleans, La.; North Bergen, N. J.; Streator, Ill.; Tracy, Calif.; Waco, Texas. Pacific Coast Division: Los Angeles, Cal.; Oakland, Cal.; Portland, Ore.; Tracy, Cal.; Closure Division plants: Glassboro, N. J.; St. Charles, Ill.; San Jose, Cal. Libbey Glass Products: Toledo, O.; Lake City, Pa.; City of Industry, Cal. International Division: Toledo, O. (Sales only). Glass container manufacturing plants at Valencia, Venezuela and Bogota, Columbia. Plant in Havana, Cuba, intervened by Cuban government in 1960. Kimble Glass Products: Chicago Heights, Ill.; Columbus, O.; Muncie, Ind.; Vineland, N. J.; Warsaw, Ind.
J. P. Levis, chairman of the board; R. H. Mulford, president; E. C. Jones, executive vice-president, general manager, Glass Container Division; H. C. Laughlin, executive vice-president, administrative; S. L. Rairdon, executive vice-president, commercial; R. E. Graham, executive vice-president, general manager, International Division; O. G. Burch, vice-president, technical director; P. W. Hancock, vice-president, treasurer; F. M. Canter, vice-president, new products, marketing development manager; F. E. Fuller, general counsel; C. F. Babbs, secretary and assistant general counsel; G. S. Babcock, vice-president, general manager, Plastic Products Division; M. G. Beishline, vice-president, glass containers, new manufacturing; S. F. Davis, vice-president, Glass Container marketing manager; E. D. Dodd, vice-president, general manager, Forest Products Division; J. W. Hackett, vice-president, engineering and research; G. B. Skinta, general manager, Libbey Products; H. S. Wade, corporate vice-president, Pacific Coast; W. B. Owen, vice-president, personnel adminstration; E. R. Owens, vice-president, general manager, Pacific Coast; A. M. Turner, executive vice-president, general manager, Consumer and Technical Products Division; John D. Northup, manager, Closure Division; W. J. Stewart, vice-president, corporate planning; G. W. Cook, director of purchasing and traffic; E. C. Ames, public relations director; E. L. Herron, director of advertising; Richard Knudson, traffic manager; R. W. Ferrell, director, market development; K. E. Tigges, comptroller; W. F. Spengler, vice-president, finance and administration.
Manufacturers of all types and varieties of Duraglas bottles and jars; metal and plastic closures, rigid plastic bottles, other plastic specialties; corrugated and solid fibre shipping boxes and wood cases; Kimble "Kimax" laboratory glassware, television bulbs and other electronic glassware, tubing and rod, "Kimax" glass pipe, towel bars, containers and accessories, Neutraglas ampuls, vials, apparatus, Owens-Illinois glass masonry. Kimble and Hemingray communication and power insulators; miscellaneous pressed glass articles; Libbey Safedge glassware, cut and polished stemware and tumblers; machine-made blown and pressed.
Manufacturers of
Tableware, Industrial,
Laboratory Glass, Etc.
The following detailed listings include manufacturers of lime, flint and special glass both pressed and blown. Factory listings by product follow the factory data section.
Kimble Products: Consumer and Technical Products Division of Owens-Illinois Glass Co., Toledo, Ohio 43601 (Tel. 419-242-6543) Factories: Vineland, N. J.; Warsaw, Ind.; Chicago Heights, Ill.; Muncie, Ind.; Columbus, O.
A. M. Turner, executive vice-president of Owens-Illinois, general manager, consumer and technical products divison; E. B. Dennis, Jr., vice-president, director of marketing; Fred Pinotti, vice-president, technical director; S. A. Kenworthy, vice-president, general manager, Kimble Products; J. P. Kearney, vice-president, general manager, industrial and electronic products; E. M. Edwards, sales manager, daylighting products; John G. Clarke, vice-president, new product development and marketing.
Kimble laboratory glassware, glass laboratory apparatus, television bulbs and other electronic glassware, tubing & rod, containers and accessories, towel bars, Neutraglas bottles, vials, and color break ampules; Optiseal and Opticlear vials, Kimble and Hemingray tempered glass power and communications insulators; Owens-Illinois glass masonry; Exax, Kimax and Tekk brand laboratory glassware.
Libbey Products: Consumer and Technical Products Division of Owens-Illinois Glass Co., Toledo, Ohio 43601. (Tel 419-242-6543). Factories: Toledo, O.; City of Industry, Cal.; Lake City, Pa.
A. M. Turner, executive vice-president of Owens-Illinois, general manager, consumer and technical products division; G. B. Skinta, vice-president and general manager; B. F. Trumm, vice-president, general factories manager; T. H. Harbaugh, vice-president, general sales manager. Blown and pressed tableware, colored, decorated, fountain, hotel and restaurant, tumblers and stemware.
Owens-Illinois, P. O. Box 1035-36, Toledo 1, Ohio (Tel. 419-242-6543).
For officers, see listing in Bottle and Container Manufacturers Section. Also see listings for Kimble Producst and Libbey Products, this section.
Complete packaging facilities — Duraglas containers, moulded plastic and metal closures; rigid plastic bottles and plastic fitments; corrugated shipping boxes; Kimble laboratory glassware, glass laboratory apparatus, television bulbs, glass pipe, tubing and rod, towel bars, containers and accessories, Neutraglas vials and ampules "Owens-Illinois glass masonry, Kimble and Hemingray insulators; Libbey Safedge glassware.