[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Glass Review Glass Factory Directory Issue
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 151,176, col. 1
Manufactuers of
Tableware, Industrial,
Laboratory Glass, Etc.
The following detailed listings include manufacturers of lime, flint and special glass both pressed and blown. Factory listings by product follow the factory data section.
Salem Glass Co., The, P. O. Box 388, Salem, W. Va. 26426 (Tel. 304-782-2431). Factory: Country Club Rd., Grafton, W. Va. (Tel. 2300).
J. E. Stamm, president; R. O. Stamm, vice-president; W. Paul Brown, secretary and plant manager. 2 continuous tanks, 3 day tanks. Hand blown and pressed. Amber, blue, bar and liquor, decorated, hospital, hotel and restaurant, knobs, lamp chimneys, novelties and specialties, stemware, hand pressed colored glass ashtrays, hand-blown colored glass pitchers, pressed stoppers for chemical jars, etc. Private mold work.