[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Glass Review Glass Factory Directory Issue
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 109,117, col. 1
Bottle and Container
The following detailed listings include manufacturers of all types of glass hollow ware ranging in size from perfume bottles to demi-johns and carboys. Factory listings by product follow the factory data section.
Gayner Glass Works, Div., National Bottle Corp., 62 Front Street, Salem, N. J. 08079 (Tel. 609-935-2200).
N. Drucker, president; K. L. Sachs, executive vice-president; H. L. Sachs, vice-president, marketing; Lester R. Edwards, vice-president; H. J. Mullany, vice-president, manufacturing; William Kerr, vice-president, sales; Ira Band, secretary; K. E. Heller, treasurer; V. J. Noble, plant manager. Beverage; flasks; flint, green, household chemical; narrow-neck and wide-mouth foods; liquor and wine; packers and preservers; private mold. 3 tanks, 8 feeders, I.S. double and single, 1-L-10.