Torrance Glass & Color Works listing

[Trade Journal]

Publication: Glass Factory Directory

Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 50,52, col. 1





The following factories are devoted to the manufacture of pressed and blown ware, plain tumblers, stem ware and bar goods, cut glass and tubing, lamp chimneys, globes, electrical goods, etc.






Torrance Glass & Color Works, P. O. Box 2097, Torrance: 3 day tanks. V. R. Thompson, Pres., D. Anderson, Sec'y-Treas.; H. A. Dawson, Gen. Mgr.; R. L. LeBot, Pur. Agt. Lens blanks, aircraft moulded glass, insulators sub miniature. Manufacture colors for glass decorating.




Keywords:Torrance Glass & Color Works
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:February 20, 2012 by: Bob Stahr;