[Trade Journal]
Publication: Glass Factory Directory
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 42,52,54, col. 1
The following factories are devoted to the manufacture of pressed and blown ware, plain tumblers, stem ware and bar goods, cut glass and tubing, lamp chimneys, globes, electrical goods, etc.
Corning Glass Works, Headquarters: Houghton Park, Corning, N.Y., 14830. Corning, N. Y. plants: Main Plant, Equipment Plant, Fluidics Plant, Multiform Plant, Pilot Plant, Pressware Plant, Fall Brook Plant, Refractories Plant, Steuben Factory, Advanced Products Plant, Fiber Optics Plant, Corning Packaging Plant. Branch Plants: Albion, Mich.; Big Flats, N.Y.; Blacksburg, Va.; Canton, N.Y.; Central Falls, R.I.; Charleroi, Pa.; Danville, Ky.; Frederick, Md.; Greencastle, Pa.; Greenville, O.; Harrodsburg, Ky.; Horseheads, N.Y.; Louisville, Ky.; Marshall, Mich.; Martinsburg, W. Va.; Medfield, Mass.; Muskogee, Okla.; Newton, N.J.; North Bergen, N.J.; Oneonta, N.Y.; Paden City, W. Va.; Parkersburg, W. Va.; Provo, Utah; Raleigh, N.C.; Shawnee, Okla.; State College, Wellsboro, and Bradford, Pa.; Bluffton, Ind.; Sunnyvale, Calif.; Wilmington, N.C.; Buckhannon, W. Va.; Danville, Va.; Erwin, N.Y.; North Bergen, N.J.; Orem, Utah. Officers: Amory Houghton, Ch. of Bd.; R. Lee Waterman, Pres.; J. R. Houghton, V.P.-Gen. Mgr., Con. Prod. Div.; A .W. Dawson, V.P.-Gen. Mgr. Tech. Prod. Div.; T. C. MacAvoy, V.P.-Gen. Mgr., Electronic Prod. Div.; W. H. Armistead, V.P.-Dir. Tech. Staffs; P. T. Clark, V.P.-Gen. Mgr Lighting Prod. Div.; O. Ames, V.P.-Gen. Mgr. TV Prod. Div; D. E .Leibson, V.P.-Dir. of Eng. & Mfg.; J. H. Allen, V.P.-Dir. Pur.; Manpower Dvp.; T. S. Wood, V.P.-Dir. Pur.; E. C. Leibig, V.P.-Ass't. to Pres.; F. P. Hunt, V.P.-Dir. Inc. Rls.; C. Rutledge, V.P.-Dir. Sales and Public Rls.; F. H. Knight, V.P.-Sec'y; T. Waaland, V.P.-Treas.; R. W. Foster, V.P.-Cont.; W. H.Dana, H. H. Sayles, W. C. Ughetta, C. R. Patty, Jr., Ass't Secretaries; C. H. Kruidenier, H. H. Marts, Ass't. Treasurers; F. W. Bobrick, J. R. Bowen, Ass't. Controllers. "Pyrex" Brand products; ovenware, Rangetop ware; pharmaceutical, industrial; gauge glasses, tubing, piping, cylinders, special technical ware. "Corning" brand products; bulbs for lamp, radio, X-ray, Television; electronic components, fluorescent, thermometer tubing, optical, opthalmic glass; signal ware for railroad, marine, traffic, aviation use; filter glasses; tumblers; commerical, residential illuminating glassware; street lighting globes; capacitors, radiation shielding windows; photosensitive glasses; "Steuben" products; table glass, artware. "Vycor" brand products; industrial, laboratory, pharmaceutical ware; precision finished glassware; ultraviolet transmitting glass. "Pyroceram" brand products: sealing cements, nose cones, cooking ware, beverage makers, dinner ware, all made from glass-ceramic materials. "Corning Ware" brand products: cooking ware, beverage makers. "Centura" brand products: dinnerware, Chemcor process glasses; Photochromic glass.