[Trade Journal]
Publication: Glass Factory Directory
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 42,46,48,80,102,106,108,110, col. 1
The following factories are devoted to the manufacture of pressed and blown ware, plain tumblers, stem ware and bar goods, cut glass and tubing, lamp chimneys, globes, electrical goods, etc.
Owens-Illinois, Inc., Consumer & Technical Products Division. Plants: Muncie, Ind., 47301, and Pittston, Pa.: E. L. Ross, Pl. Mgr. Glass television bulbs (black and white and color) and color TV-bulb sealing glass; Electronic Materials: Materials for microelectronic circuits. See O-I listing in Ohio bottle section.
This list includes manufacturers of prescriptions and vials, beers and minerals, patent and proprietary medicines, liquors and flasks, packers and preservers, fruit jars and milk bottles.
Owens-Illinois, Inc., General Offices, P.O. Box 1035, Toledo, Ohio 43601. (A. C. 419 242-6543). R. H. Mulford, Ch. of Bd.; E. D. Dodd, Pres.; J P. Levis. Ch. of Ex. com.; F. M. Canter, Ex. V. P., Commercial and Tech. Adm.; T. M. Cox, Jr., Ex. V.P., Forest Products Div.; R. E. Graham. Ex. V.P., Int'l Operations; E. C. Jones, Ex. V. P., Gen. Mgr., Glass Container Div.; R. F. Miller, V.P., Gen. Mgr., Consumer & Tech. Products Div.; D. H. Morehead, Sec'y; G. S. Babcock, V.P.. Gen. Mgr., Plastic Products Div.; M. G. Beishline, V.P., Mgr. of Mfrg, Glass Container Div.; R. L. Berry, V.P. Personnel; G. W. Cook, V.P., Purchasing and Traffic; P. J. Fluge, V.P., Gen. Mgr., Box Plant Operations, Forest Products Div.; J. W. Hackett. V.P., Tech. Dir.; F. N. Hartmann, Group V. P. Gen. Mgr., Lily-Tulip Div.; K. K. Hepp, V. P., Gen. Mgr., Central Region, Glass Container Div.; K. C. Ponsor, V. P. Dir. Corp. Planning; B. B. Jones. V. P. Gen. Mgr., Atlantic Region, Glass Container Div.; W. B. Owen, V. P., Corp. Facilities; E. R. Owens, V.P., Gen. Mgr., Pacific Region, Glass Container Div., R. T. Wallace, V. P., New Product Planning and Dev.; J. A. Bohland, Treas.; K. E. Tigges, Compt.; J. A. Sprunk, V.P., Gen. Counsel. Consumer and Technical Products Div.: R. F. Miller, Group V.P. (O-I) Gen. Mgr. Libbey Products: W. B. Achenbach, V.P., Gen. Mgr. Plants: City of Industry, Cal., R. H. Kinker; Lake City, Pa., A. L. Patterson, Toledo, O., L. B. Haidet; Products: Glass tumblers, stemware, tableware, melamine dinnerware. Kimble Products: F. E. Elder, V.P., Gen. Mgr. Plants: Chicago Heights, Ill., J. F. Hinckley; Perrysburg, O., E. P. Spence, Vineland, N. J., W. W Collicott; Warsaw, Ind., A. Lippencott. Products: Scientific and laboratory glass and plastic products. KIMAX borosilicate glassware, glass pipe, industrial and military bulbs, glass tubing and rod and products made from them, such as ampuls, vials and syringe cartridges; Television Products: S. A. Kenworthy, V. P., Gen. Mgr. Plants: Columbus, O., E. Gill, Jr.; Muncie, Ind., Pittston, Pa., E. L. Ross; Products: Glass television bulbs (black and white and color) and color TV sealing glass; Electronic Materials; Materials for microelectronic circuits; Glass Container Division: E. C. Jones. Ex. V.P. (O-I). Gen. Mgr. Atlantic Region: B. B. Jones, V. P., Gen. Mgr. Plants: Atlanta, Ga., M. M. Jenkins; Bridgeton, N. J., C. L. Curreri; Brockport, N. Y., R. A. Hughes; Clarion, Pa., H. M. Schottelkorb; Fairmont, W. Va., C. J. Snyder; Huntington, W. Va., J. M. Smathers; Lakeland, Fla., J. L. Sommerville; North Bergen, N. J., A. W. Renner; Central Region: K. K. Hepp. V. P. Gen. Mgr. Plants: Alton, Ill., W. E. McBride; Charlotte, Mich., E. F. Wendle; Gas City, Ind., B. J. Amacher, New Orleans, La., J. E. Osborne; Streator, Ill., R. A. Clark; Waco, Tex., J. H. Lemieux; Pacific Region: E. R. Owens, V.P., Gen. Mgr. Plants: Los Angeles, Cal., R. W. Cutter; Oakland, Cal., J. S. Hamel; Portland, Ore., W. P. Trowbridge; San Jose, Cal., S. W. Sorensen; Tracy, Cal., L. T. Brown; Closure Operations: J. D. Northrup, V.P., Gen. Mgr. Plants: Berlin, O., W. J. Gorman; Glassboro, N. J. R. H. Whitney; St. Charles, Ill., W. M. Gaetz; Mold Shops: Alton, Ill., H. W. Schlobohm; Durham, N. C., W. L. Wilson. Foundry: Alton, Ill., J. J. Scalese. Ink and Die Plant: Perrysburg, O., E. J. Roshak, Products: Glass containers, corrugated shipping containers for its products, molds, inks, dies, sand, plastic and metal closures, and plastic fitmetns [sic] fitments for glass containers. International Division: R. E. Graham, V.P. (O-I), Gen. Mgr. Plants: Canada, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland and Japan. Products: Glass containers, rolled glass, window glass, glass block, glass containers, rolled glass, window glass, glass block, glass tableware, glass tubing and tubing products, plastic and metal closures, plastic containers and fitments, corrugated shipping containers, television bulbs, and production equipment. Lily-Tulip Division: F. W. Hartmann, Group V.P. (O-I), Gen. Mgr. Products: Disposable paper and plastic cups, tubs, plates, trays, dishes, etc. Plastic Products Division: G. S. Babcock, V.P., (O-I), Gen. Mgr. Products: Blown plastic containers; injection-molded closures and fitments and bristled products; sheetformed containers; and extruded sheet product.