[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical Review and Western Electrician
New York, NY, United States
vol. 59, no. 9, p. 404, col. 1-3
Supply Jobbers' Saratoga Springs
The Summer convention of the National Electrical Supply Jobbers of the United States was held at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., August 16, 17 and 18. Headquarters were established at the United States Hotel. Several important business sessions were held, when the jobbers listened to spirited discussions of many phases of their activities. It was decided to hold the next meeting at Hot Springs, Va., the second week in November.
The feature of the meeting was the entertainment provided by the General Electric Company. On Thursday morning the entire party was conveyed in special cars and automobiles from Saratoga Springs to Schenectady, where the balance of the morning was spent visiting the shops of the company. The switchboard department and the porcelain department came in for a large share of attention, but the splendid facilities and highly modern shop practice of the wiring-devices department received the unstinted commendation of everyone present. Luncheon was served at the Golf Club, and after witnessing the teeing off in the golf tournament, those not playing were driven over the beautiful roads around Schenectady, Troy, Ballston, Saratoga Springs, Glens Falls, Saratoga Lake, Round Lake and Lake George. Some forty automobiles were chartered from local garages, and these were supplemented by the use of the cars owned by the members of the staff of the company.
In the evening the golfers were brought from the links and all the cars returned to Arrowhead Inn, at Saratoga Lake, where a delightful repast was served. There was plenty of good chorus singing, the verses being read from a beautiful souvenir booklet presented to those in attendance by the General Electric Company. During the dinner the exercises were enlivened and graced by the singing of W. E. Robertson and H. H. Cudmore and the enthusiastic leading of some of the chorus singing by Harry Grant furnished much amusement. Following the dinner C.C. Sibley announced the winners of the golfing trophies, the jobbers first going to the genial and popular Fred Fullerton, second going to Howard Hall. The manufacturers' first prize went to W. H. Bauer, the second going to A. H. Pease. The remaining gentlemen's prize was won by Major Robert Edwards.
In awarding the ladies' prizes, Mr. Sibley called upon B. M. Downs, who presented in his innimitable style, first prize to Mrs. C. C. Sibley, and second prize to Mrs. H. H. Hornsby. Both ladies responded very gracefully. Thomas W. Debevoise made a brief address upon the cooperation of the electrical industry and the Sons of Jove, and the entertainment concluded with a minstrel show, that consummate artist, Thomas H. Bibber, giving a greatly enjoyed German dialect monologue on "War." The minstrels pulled off a great many local hits that were greatly enjoyed, and altogether the talent, though amateur and recruited from among the General Electric boys, presented a highly creditable performance. Messrs. Deming and Jackson were particularly active in. arranging for the comfort of the visitors, and C. A. S. Hewlett was master of ceremonies in the singing and minstrel entertainment.
At the close of the entertainment the party was conveyed in large touring cars to the hotel at Saratoga Springs, thus winding up a most enjoyable and profitable round of pleasure. The meeting was voted the most satisfactory yet held, and it was well attended by a thoroughly representative group of jobbers and manufacturers. Among those present were:
Franklin Overbagh, general secretary of the Association; Marshall L. Barnes, president of the National Electrical Contractors' Association; Frank H. Gale, Schenectady; A. F. Hills, Syracuse; Leon H. Frank, Wheeling, W. Va.; James Jackson, Paterson. N. J.; W. H. Tucker, New York; Robert Kuhn, Detroit; B. H. Scranton, Detroit; J. B. Ward, Boston; D. C. Gidley, Boston; A. N. Palmer, Providence, R. I.; E. J. Erwin and A. H. Erwin, Boston; P. H. Hoover, New York; W. M. Deming, Schenectady; H. E. Bibbins, San Francisco; C. H. Hobson, Dallas, Texas; W. N. Matthews, St. Louis; Alpha H. Kling, Detroit; Thomas W. Debevoise, New York; Frank S. Price, Boston; J. Robert Crouse, Cleveland; E. R. Bryant. New York; H. H. Cudmore, Cleveland; Sam A. Chase, Pittsburgh; Robert Edwards, Montreal; F. A. Burke, Atlanta; A. H. Pease. Hartford; C. C. Sibley, New York; H. E. Page, Hartford; A. M. Little, Syracuse; P. S. Klees, Hartford; W. T. McCullough, Pittsburgh; McKew Parr, Hartford; T. H. Bibber, New York; E. C. Graham, Washington, D. C.; Thomas G. Grier, Chicago; H. W. Bliven, New York; E. J. Johnson, Boston; A. L. Schantz, Buffalo; Fred Adam, St. Louis; W. S. Bissell, Toledo; Herman Andrae and Fred Andrae, Milwaukee; L. Guesser, Cleveland; G. M. Stuart, Boston; J. A. Campbell, Detroit; E. W. Rockafellow, New York; A. L. Millard, Chicago; G. S. Milner, Cleveland; N. C. Cotabish, Cleveland; H. R. Worthington. Jackson, Fla.; J. F. Greer, Chicago; A. P. Eckert, New York; M. B. Wheeler, Houston, Tex.; C. B. Hawley, Salt Lake City; H. T. Paiste, Philadelphia; H. S. Sands, Wheeling, W. Va.; W. W. Low, Chicago; L. W. Kittman, Chicago; James Wolfe, Chicago; T. C. Ringgold, Chicago; F. B. Gleason, San Francisco; Washington Devereaux, Philadelphia; F. R. Bryant, Chicago; W. P. Upham, Dallas; J. H. McGill, Valparaiso; E. K. Patton, Chicago; George V. W. Ingham, Chicago; F. S. Skeel, Chicago; J. B. Terry, Cedar Rapids; Albert Smith, Milwaukee; George Cutter, South Bend, Ind.; W. W. Merrill, Chicago; George S. Searing, Chicago; C. L. Eshleman, Cleveland; V. R. Despard, Chicago; D. L. Markle, Chicago; H. L. Grant, Chicago; W. H. Colman, Chicago; J. E. Way, New York; C. E. Corrigan, Pittsburgh; V. C. Gilpin, New York; H. H. Hornsby, New York; F. W. Fullerton, New York; Oscar Turner, Birmingham; Julien Binford, Richmond; George Beatty, New York; M. B. Austin, Chicago; P. S. Dodd, Cleveland; P. F. Bander, Cleveland; R. E. Campbell, Cleveland; W. F. Irish, New York; L. G. Mockenhaupt, Chicago; H. F. McGuyer, Providence, R. I; F. E. Stow, Philadelphia; J. A. Vaughan, Philadelphia; C. W. Price, New York; A. A. Gray, Chicago; Oscar Carman, Cincinnati; George C. Osborn, Harrison, N. J.; E. J. Kulas, Cleveland; F. M. Hawkins, New York; B. M. Downs, New York; D. C. Hemingray, Covington, Ky.; J. B. Olson, New York; A. D. Babson, New York; R. L. Jaynes, Pittsburgh; V. L. Gates, Pittsburgh; L. H. Keller, New York; W. H. Bauer, New Orleans; Gerald W. Hart, Hartford; W. J. Dougherty, Montreal; W. I. Patterson. New York; F. D. Masterson, Boston; F. B. Smith, Boston; W. W. Mumma, Springfield. Ohio; S. B. Condit, Jr., Boston; A. E. Williams, Warren, Ohio; John M. Klein, Chicago; E. V. Hennecke, Pittsburgh; E. H. Haughton, Chicago; H. C. Rice, Cleveland: H. A. Breverton, Cleveland; D. H. Murphy, Pittsburgh; H. B. Crouse, Syracuse; J. R. Jones, Utica.