[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Pottery, Glass & Brass Salesman
New York, NY, United States
vol. 17, no. 25, p. 7,9, col. 1-3,1-2
Glass Makers Re-Elect Gleason
Popular President of American Association Is Given a Third Term at Forty-
Second Annual Meeting
To quote one of the "young upstarts" present, the outstanding feature of the forty-second annual meeting of the American Association of Flint and Lime Glass Manufacturers, which was held this week Monday at the Marlborough-Blenheim Hotel, in Atlantic City, was the many "old geezers" in attendance who have been giving the annual conclaves the go-by of late years — fellows like Gus Heisey (yes, the old boys still call him "Gus," but the trade in general knows him better as Col. A. H. Heisey, the man who likes to see his name and trade-mark on billboards from coast to coast — newspaper type being too small) and Will Dalzell, Bob Hemingray, Andy Smith and Marion Bryce.
They are "old geezers," of course, only in point of service. You would have to do a lot of thinking to mentally group another quintet to match them in business "pep."
How such regulars at these meetings as Tom Evans, Will Dorflinger, Harry Northwood and Wilfred Gleason greeted them! Perhaps it pays to send proxies for a spell. The welcome seems more intensive after a long absence anyway, unless it's camouflaged. It looked the real goods, however.
The best thing the meeting did was to re-elect Marshall W. Gleason for a third term, likewise the other old officers. Mr. Gleason has made an exceptional presiding officer — dignified, capable, resourceful and diplomatic at all times.
The business meeting, scheduled for 2:30 p. m., was preceded by the usual complimentary luncheon at 1 o'clock. This was served in a private dining room of the hotel, Blenheim section. Fiftyseven members and guests partook of the collation, grouped at several tables in congenial parties.
At the president's table besides Mr. Gleason were: H. A. Black, Thomas Evans, E. J. Barry, Arthur J. Bennett, W. A. B. Dalzell, E. P. Ebberts. Harry B. Duncan, Marion G. Bryce. John Kunzler, L. Philip Martin. Nicholas Kopp, George M. Jaques, A. W. Kimes, Julius G. Kaufmann and Joseph F. O'Gorman.
At the other tables were: Col. A. H. Heisey, William F. Dorflinger, R. G. Hemingray, Andrew P. Duncan, E. Wilson Heisey, George Dougherty, F. L. Fenton, George R. West, E. A. Gillender, James M. Lewis, D. C. Jenkins, Howard C. Jenkins, I. J. Collins, C. L. Gaunt, Frank W. Merry, R. C. Faris, Walter H. McClure, Edw. J. Schaub, Henry Leiner, A. B. Paxton, H, L. Heintzelmann, K. A. Rock, W. W. Davies, Harry S. Potter, Harry Northwood, Calvin B. Roe, C. M. Rodefer, Charles E. Voitle, Andrew J. Smith, James F. Challinor, Reuben Haley, Thomas W. McCreary, J. Harvey Strong. J. E. Kewley, E. O. Cross, James P. Goggins, Harry A. Schnellbach, Edw. E. Bartlett, E. J. S. Van Houten, Howard S. Evans and John Beiswanger.
As the diners were seated President Gleason rapped for order and said it had been the custom for forty-one years to drink a health to the President of the United States: that the forty-second annual meeting would be no exception. He thereupon suggested that it he drunk standing, which it was.
After the meal was finished Mr. Gleason introduced H. A. Black, treasurer of Alexander Bros., Philadelphia, who was down for the only speech. His topic was "Trade Acceptances," and he left little unsaid in the way of description of this now popular business instrument. He was listened to with marked attention and given an ovation when he concluded. A vote of thanks was thrown in by way of good measure of appreciation. Mr. Black thanked his auditors in turn, and said he had a book on the subject which he would gladly send on request.
The meeting then adjourned to the conference room on the Marlborough side of the hotel, when the regular order of business was taken up.
After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and approved, President Gleason appointed the following committee to nominate officers for the ensuing year, asking them to retire immediately and report as soon as possible: Wilbur Hunter, Harry B. Duncan, John Beiswanger, Howard S. Evans and E. A. Gillender.
Then followed the reading of reports of officers and committees. In the meantime the nominating committee had made short work of their deliberations and reported that they recommended the re-election of all the old officers. The recommendation was unanimously adopted and the secretary cast the ballot for the following officers to serve another year:
President — Marshall W. Gleason.
First Vice-President — Nicholas W. Kopp.
Second Vice-President — Marion G. Bryce.
Treasurer — E. P. Ebberts.
Executive Committee — Marshall W. Gleason, Nicholas Kopp, Marion G. Bryce, E. P. Ebberts, W. F. Dorflinger and W. A. B. Dalzell.
Mr. Gleason thanked the members for the evidence of confidence expressed in their vote, and Messrs. Kopp, Bryce and Ebberts also voiced their appreciation.
The following member-firms and representatives were in attendance:
Belmont Tumbler Co., Bellaire, Ohio, R. C. Faris; Bartlett-Collins Glass Co., Sapulpa. Okla., Edw. E. Bartlett; Cambridge Glass Co., Cambridge, Ohio, Arthur J. Bennett; Central Glass Works, Wheeling, W. Va., Edw. J. Schaub and Henry Leiner; Consolidated Lamp & Glass Co., Coraopolis, Pa., James M. Lewis; C. Dorflinger & Sons, White Mills, Pa., William F. Dorflinger; Duncan & Miller Glass Co., Washington, Pa., Harry B. Duncan and Andrew P. Duncan; Kenton Art Glass Co., Williamstown, W. Va., Frank L. Fenton; Fostoria Glass Co., Moundsville, W. Va., W. A. B. Dalzell and Calvin B. Roe; Hill Bros. Co., Steubenville, Ohio, J. Harvey Strong and John Beiswanger, Gillinder & Sons, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa., Edgar Gillinder; Gleason-Tiebout Glass Co., Brooklyn. N. Y., Marshall W. Gleason; Hazel-Atlas Glass Co., Wheeling, W. Va., Walter H. McClure and A. B. Paxton; A. H. Heisey & Co., Newark, Ohio, Col. A. H. Heisey and E. Wilson Heisey; Hocking Glass Co., Lancaster, Ohio, I. J. Collins; Indiana Glass Co., Dunkirk, Ind., Frank W. Merry and C. L. Gaunt; Imperial Glass Co., Bellaire, Ohio, Victor G. Wicke; Ivanhoe Regent Works, Cleveland, Ohio, James Goggins, J. E. Kewley and E. O. Cross; Jefferson Glass Co., Follansbee, W. Va., C. H. Blumenauer and Harry A. Schnellbach; D. C. Jenkins Glass Co., Kokomo, Ind., D. C. Jenkins and Howard C. Jenkins; Lancaster Glass Co., Lancaster, Ohio, L. Philip Martin; Libbey Glass Co., Toledo, Ohio, E. J. Barry; Macbeth Evans Glass Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., Thomas Evans and Howard S. Evans; McKee Glass Co., Jeannette, Pa., A. J. Smith; Monongah Glass Co., Fairmont, W. Va., H. L. Heintzlemann and K. A. Rock; H. Northwood Co., Wheeling. W. Va., Harry Northwood; Phoenix Glass Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., E. P. Ebberts and T. W. McCreery; Pittsburgh Lamp, Brass & Glass Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., Nicholas Kopp; Rodefer Glass Co., Bellaire, Ohio, C. M. Rodefer; Superior Glass Mfg. Co., Martins Ferry, Ohio, W. W. Davies; United States Glass Co., Pittsburgh. Pa., Marion G. Bryce, Rueben Haley, James H. Challinor and George Dougherty; Wellington Glass Co., Cumberland, Md., Harry S. Potter; Westmoreland Specialty Co., Grapeville, Pa., George R. West; Williamsburgh Flint Glass Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.. E. J. S. Van Houten; H. C. Fry Glass Co., Rochester, Pa., J. Howard Fry; Economy Tumbler Co., Morgantown, W. Va., Wilbur L. Hunter; Hemingray Glass Co., Muncie, Ind., R. G. Hemingray.
The wage conferences between the manufacturers' association and the "Flints" began on Tuesday, and will probably continue for ten days. The workers have submitted the usual printed wage and move list and the manufacturers a contra one. In the workers' list there are submitted 81 changes in the press ware department, 21 in the machine press department, 38 in the iron mould department, 26 in the paste mould, 6 in the shade and globe, 73 in the caster place, 56 in the punch tumbler and stem ware, 30 in the chimney, 13 in the bulb, 12 in the cutting, 7 in the engraving and 1 in the insulator departments.
What the outcome of the conferences will be no one knows, but there is a general feeling that wages will be higher beginning probably the next fire, and in consequence prices on glassware will have to keep company.