[Trade Journal]
Publication: Telephony
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 11, no. 3, p. 186-187, col. 2, 1
A tree insulator which truly insulates as well as protects and prevents trouble is advertised by Scott C. Cutter, of Oswego, 111. Mr. Cutter's insulator is a simple yet ingenious device, particularly designed for telephone and electric lighting purposes. The insulator is of glass, insuring complete insulation, it is said, at all times and under all conditions. It can be applied to any limb or tree in five minutes, regardless of position, and without the cutting of wires. Its voltage carrying capacity is 3.800 volts. Many of the leading telephone companies of the United States and Canada, who already are employing this device, are said to have found it entirely satisfactory and almost indispensable. The Scott C. Cutter insulator can be applied either with Number 12 steel wire, insulated wire or marline. The glass tree insulator was used to advantage in a recent instance where a swaying limb had worn the insulation completely off a wire, the wire cutting more than a fourth of the way through the limb and forming a complete ground on that line. It was demonstrated how easily and conveniently the Scott C. Cutter tree insulator could be applied in that instance so that the line was promptly cleared. Further particulars and prices will be gladly furnished by addressing Mr. Cutter at Oswego, Ill.