[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical World
New York, NY, United States
vol. 22, no. 18, p. 349, col. 2-3
A New Insulator
We illustrate a new insulator recently placed on the market by McLeod, Ward & Co., 91 Liberty street, New York, which is not only strong and easily put up, but also neat and mechanical in appearance. The insulator consists of three parts, as shown, two of porcelain and one of iron. A wood or machine screw is cast in the iron part which is threaded at its upper portion; the triangular grooved piece of porcelain is inserted in the groove in the iron, the wire placed in position and the porcelain cap then screwed on, holding the wire firmly in position. There is a slight curve to the upper piece of porcelain so that when the lower piece is screwed up the wire is damped firmly, and thereby bent slightly, so that it cannot be pulled in either direction. The insulators can be put up very readily without the use of a screwdriver or other tool, and are made in three sizes, to take wire from No. 18 to No. 12 B. & S. gauge; from No. 12 to No. 66 B. & S. gauge, and from No. 6 to No. 0 B. & S. gauge. A special size is also made for two wires in which the iron groove is much deeper, and a porcelain separating piece grooved in each end keeps the two wires two and one-half inches apart.
A New Insulator. |