[Trade Journal]
Publication: Western Electrician
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 30, no. 3, p. 54-55, col. 3,1
The G. F. Brunt Porcelain Company of East Liverpool, Ohio, has for several years earned the gratitude of its friends by distributing calendars of a high order of artistic merit. This year the souvenir consists of a warmly colored delineation of Shakespear's "Ophelia," with the 12 calendar months showing on the mat forming the margin of the picture. The distributors of the picture have this to say of it: "The artist has shown this beautiful character in sublime gentleness without madness, with beauty, but without the glimmer of lost reason, which certainly entitles him to more than passing remark, since he has depicted all of the delicate serenity of feminine life without that tinge of sadness that has invariability been associated with this character of "Ophelia." Rich in coloring, warm in the possession of every faculty, our "Ophelia", we trust, will come to you with greetings, bringing you pleasant memories, among the many expressions and testimonies of your friends, for the New Year." The calendar is a striking one and will give pleasure to its recipients.