[Trade Journal]
Publication: Brick
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 18, no. 2, p. 102, 103, col. 1
It has been announced that a consolidation which has been in process of formation for possibly a year, has just been completed, a company composed of a majority of the independent manufacturers of sewer pipe, including the following concerns: Crown Fire Clay Co., Canal Dover, O.; Robinson-Merrill Pottery Co., Akron, O.; Royal Sewer Pipe Co., Millvale, O.; Canton & Malvern Fire Brick Paving Co., Canton, O., and the Lock Haven (Pa.) Sewer Pipe Co. The stated capitalization is $2,000,000 and the headquarters of the new company will be in Akron. While the new concern is possibly less than one-fourth the size of the American Sewer Pipe Co., of Pittsburg, it will be a decided factor henceforth in competing for large contracts. There are also still a number of sewer pipe concerns operating independently.