[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Electrical Engineer
New York, NY, United States
vol. 25, no. 528, p. 685, col. 1-2
Souvenirs Given Away at the New York Electrical Exhibition.
PERHAPS one of the most substantial evidences of the good will of the electrical fraternity towards those who patronize it or take an interest in its products, was the liberality displayed at the recent show in giving away valuable and useful souvenirs to visitors. Among these souvenirs should be mentioned the one-foot folding celluloid rulers of the Electric Storage Battery Company; the handsome buttons announcing that you had paid a visit to A. K. Warren and Company; a spirit level by the Borne Scrymser Co.; porcelain pin holders full of points on the products of the Peru Electric Manufacturing Company; miniature triple-petticoat insulators distributed by R. Thomas & Sons Company; nickel-plated drills in the form of watch charms by the Cleveland Twist Drill Company; wire charts and five dollar bills by Elmer P. Morris and the Adams-Bagnall Electric Company; the card board safety guns by the Safety Insulated Wire Company, as harmless as the miniature vacuum tubes distributed in the Moore Chapel; ebonite paper cutters, the gift of the Crown Woven Wire Brush Company; electrical periodicals which were much sought after, and useful note books given away by the enterprising New York Telephone Company, and handkerchiefs with name embroidered for a very small sum of money. Tea and biscuits, and strawberry short cake were dispensed in the Edison booth, catalogues and knowledge were given away gratis by everybody, and broken fingers, faces disfigured by X-rays, and other features not on the daily programme, will ever remain fresh in the minds of the unfortunate victims as some souvenirs of the second New York electrical exhibition.