[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Journal of Electricity
San Francisco, CA, United States
vol. 5, no. 1, p. 28, col. 1-2
Whenever an enterprise of magnitude is completed and put in operation, the engineering public becomes at once desirous of learning who were the builders of the enterprise or, in other words, to whose care was intrusted the furnishing of the labor, materials, and apparatus that constitute the vital portions of the plant. The answer to this enquiry, if relative to the electric transmission plant of the Blue Lakes Water Company, will now be given.
The copper for both the transmission circuits from the plant was furnished by the San Francisco branch of the John A. Roebling's Sons Company, and the wire is supported on Locke’s triple petticoat China insulators, furnished by John Martin, Pacific Coast agent for Fred M. Locke, of Victor, N. Y.
The redwood poles of both the Amador and Calaveras circuits were supplied by the Union Lumber Company, of 106 California street, San Francisco, who make a specialty of selected redwood poles in till sizes and lots.
The entire electrical equipment, including generators, switchboard and transformers, was furnished by John Martin, of 300 California street. San Francisco, Pacific Coast agent for the Stanley Electric Manufacturing Company of Pittsfield, Mass.
The electrical installation was placed under the direction of Theodore E. Theberath, electrical engineer for Mr. Martin.
The Abner Doble Company designed, built and installed the Doble water wheels used in the plant and also furnished the exciters, the steel "Y" castings and slip joint steel pipe used in the upper portion of the pipe line.
The lap-welded steel pipe used in the lower portion of the pipe line was made by the National Tube Works and furnished by the Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Company, Pacific Coast agents, while the rivited steel pipe was furnished by W. W. Montague & Co., San Francisco.