Publication: The Easterner
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 8, no. 44, p. 3, col. 1-2
Miss Myrna Jean Capper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Capper, Granville avenue, and Charles Harold Bush, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bush, were married Thursday evening at the home of the brides parents. The single ring ceremony was used by the Rev. Arthur W. McDavitt, pastor of the St. Johns Universalist Church. The ceremony was performed before the fire place, which was banked with garden flowers. Miss Mildred Boone was maid-of-honor and Howard East attended Mr. Bush. Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Bush left for a short wedding trip through southern Indiana. Atfer [sic] After August 10, they will be at home at 226 1/2 Granville avenue. Mrs. Bush graduated from Central High School and from Ball State Teachers College, where she was a member of the Lambda Delta Phi section. She has been teaching in LaPorte for the last two years. Mr. Bush graduated from Purdue University, where he was a member of Pi Tau Sigma, honorary engineering fraternity and of Sigma Phi Epsilon. He is employed in the engineering department of the Hemingray Glass Company.