[Trade Journal]
Publication: Brick
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 24, no. 3, p. 170-171, col. 2,1-2
Pottery News
The U. S. Electric Porcelain Co., of Findlay, O., has started up its new works. The plant was formerly owned by the Bell Pottery Co., now located in Columbus, O., but was refitted and re-equipped throughout when the new people took hold of it on the first of the year. The Patterson Foundry & Machine Co. fitted out the new works and they are now in good shape and have been running about a week. Electrical porcelain is manufactured at the plant.
The Akron Smoking Pipe Co., of Mogadore, O., manufacturer of electrical porcelain, is making extensive improvements to its plant there in the way of new mechanical equipment.
Another new addition is being erected at the plant of the New Lexington High Voltage Porcelain Co., at New Lexington, O. A new kiln shed is under way and a new clay-washing outfit is being installed, adding 30 per cent to the facilities. A similar outfit and a similar addition were erected in the spring. The company manufactures high-potential insulators only.
The large new addition to the plant of the Locke Insulator Mfg. Co., at Victor, N. Y., are rapidly nearly completion. The buildings are all constructed of cement. The capacity will be 12 kilns, making it the largest high-voltage porcelain plant in the world.
The Diamond Porcelain Co., of Trenton, N. J., is considering some improvements and possibly some new additions to its electrical porcelain works there.