[Trade Journal]
Publication: Brick
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 24, no. 6, p. 290, col. 1-2
Pottery News
The Locke Insulator Mfg. Co., of Victor, N. Y., is installing two new filter presses and making other improvements.
The New Castle Pottery Co., at New Castle, Pa., has been purchased by a company, headed by A. L. Dyke, of New Cumberland, W. Va., and will turn it into an electrical porcelain plant. The name of the new company is the American Porcelain Co. The plant has six kilns and formerly manufactured hotel and thin vitrified china.
Some improvements are being made in the sagger department of the Lima Insulator Co., of Lima, N. Y.
Pass & Seymour, Inc., of Solvay, N. Y., are installing a new Patterson tube-making machine which will double its capacity in this line.
The R. Thomas & Sons Co., of Lisbon, O., is starting the erection of two additional kilns and some new brick buildings. It is said that the capacity of the plant will be doubled yet this year. The capacity at present is six kilns.
The Anderson Porcelain Co., of East Liverpool, O., has just placed in operation a new kiln recently completed.
The Diamond Porcelain Co., of Trenton, N. H., is putting in some new machinery.