[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical Review and Western Electrician
New York, NY, United States
vol. 56, no. 29, p. 1020, col. 2
THE OHIO BRASS COMPANY, of Mansfield, Ohio, who have been the exclusive selling agents of the Akron Hi-Potential Porcelain Company, of Barberton, Ohio, have purchased a controlling interest in the Akron Hi-Potential Porcelain Company and changed the name to the Ohio Insulator Company, with main offices at Mansfield, Ohio: factory will remain at Barberton. Ohio. The officers of the Ohio Insulator Company are: F. B. Black, president; C. K. King, vice-president; A. L. Wilkinson, secretary: H. S. Black, treasurer, and Geo. A. Mead, factory manager. Geo. H. Kile will remain with the company as one of the directors. The officers will all be located at Mansfield, Ohio, with the exception of Mr. Mead, factory manager, who will be located at Barberton. All purchases will be made through the Barberton office and invoices should be sent to that place; all accounts will be paid from the main office at Mansfield. The Ohio Insulator Company assumes all the debts of the Akron Hi-Potential Porcelain Company and will collect all outstanding accounts.