Brookfield and Hemingray honors Mr. Downs

[Trade Journal]

Publication: Electrical Review and Western Electrician

Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 58, no. 16, p. 789, col. 2-3

Anniversary Dinner to B. M. Downs.


H. M. Brookfield and F. Brookfield, of the Brookfield Glass Company, gave a dinner to B. M. Downs, vice-president of the company, celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of his association with that company, at the Union League Club, New York City, Friday evening of last week. The occasion was a particularly enjoyable one, and was attended by about twenty-five gentlemen, all acquaintances of long standing of the guest of honor. Judge T. M. Debevoise acted as toastmaster, after an excellent menu had been discussed, and the first remarks of the evening were made by Frank Brookfield, secretary and treasurer of the Brookfield Glass Company, who expressed the appreciation that he and his brother, and also their father when he was alive, had for Mr. Downs, who, a quarter of a century ago, became connected with the Brookfield glass-insulator interests. Mr. Brookfield's remarks were received with much enthusiasm. Afterwards nearly every one in the pleasant company was called upon, and remarks appreciative and jocularly critical were made for the benefit of the guest of honor, the electrical gentlemen present developing into star orators in many instances.

At the conclusion of this symposium, Mr. Downs, the guest of honor, spoke at some length, referring feelingly to the pleasant associations with the company and its officers, and then, in turn, replied to the various speakers who had addressed their remarks to him during the evening. During the course of his remarks, Mr. Downs read a very complimentary and interesting telegram from Daniel C. Hemingray, of Covington, Ky., who expressed great regret at his inability to be present. Mr. Hemingray is the head of the Hemingray Glass Company.

Among those present were: Frank Brookfield, secretary and treasurer, Brookfield Glass Company; R. G. Hemingray, president, Hemingray Glass Company; R. E. Gallaher, secretary, New York Insulated Wire Company; W. L. Fort, Western Electric Company; R B. Corey, president, R. B. Corey Company; E. W. Rockefellow, supply sales manager, Western Electric Company; J. B. Olsen, secretary, Habirshaw Wire Company; F. F. Downs, treasurer and manager, United States Can Company, Cincinnati; W. Joerger, General Chemical Company; W. S. Benedict, Benedict & Benedict; Herbert Sinclair, Star Porcelain Company; T. L. Cuyler, assistant treasurer, Postal Telegraph-Cable Company; C. C. Hay, Ingersoll-Rand Company; A. H. Pease, president, Hart & Hegeman Manufacturing Company; A. T. Clark, secretary, American Circular Loom Company; Walter Cary, manager, Westinghouse Lamp Company; B. M. Downs, vice-president, Brookfield Glass Company; T. M. Debevoise, George W. Elliott, Clarence Winter and Charles W. Price.

The menu was as follows:




Keywords:Brookfield Glass Company : Hemingray Glass Company
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Elton Gish
Date completed:October 7, 2012 by: Elton Gish;