[Trade Journal]
Publication: China & Glass Red Book
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 57,71, col. 1
Pressed and Blown Ware Plants in the United
States and Canada.
On the following pages will be found the companies manufacturing lime, flint and special glass, both pressed and blown, for all purposes. After the name of the company and the names of its officers will be found the factory capacity and the kinds of ware made.
A brief classification of principal products giving merely the name and location of companies also is included. Also appended is a list of glass decorators, including independent shops as well as manufacturers operating decorating departments.
Owens-Illinois Glass Co., Toledo, O. (Main 7131)
Wm. E. Levis, chairman of board; J. P. Levis, president; S. L. Rairdon, vice president and general sales manager. Complete packaging facilities, Duraglas containers, metal and molded closures, cartons, tumblers, and tableware. "Insulux" glass building blocks and Hemingray insulators.