Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 8, no. 145, p. 2, col. 4
A Visit to the Glass District.
Yesterday afternoon the HERALD reporter made a brief visit to what is called tbe "glass district." He found at Ball Bros.' bottling and stamping works, both of which commenced operations yesterday, nearly four hundred hands busily engaged in manufacturing wares that are shipped to all countries in the world.
Our good friends Adolph Miller, who brought a small hand satchel with him from Canada.
Peter Menard, another whole, souled fellow, and "Mike" Sheppner, one of the most patriotic sons of the Emerald Isle, took particular pains to exhibit their expertness in blowing a Mason jar.
The Messrs. Ball have greatly enlarged their factory during the present year and now have one of the largest manufactories in the city.
At Hemingray's' works, the reporter found the genial Ralph Hemingray, who always makes it pleasant for his friends whenever they pay the factory a visit. "Bob'' Hemingray also takes particular pains to see that the comfort of visitors are made pleasant.
The brief visit to these two great industries by the reporter was very satisfactory and really deserves more mention than at present is given.