Publication: The Pike County Democrat
Petersburg, IN, United States
vol. 28, no. 41, p. 2, col. 5
Forced to Enlarge Their Plants Owing to
an Increased Demand for Their Products.
MUNCIE, Ind., Feb. 8. — Monday morning the Muncie Wheel Co. began the erection of a three-story brick addition to its already big plant to enable it to meet the increased demand for its products. The building will be 50x150 in dimensions and will be fire proof.
The contract has been let by the Green Glass Co., at West Muncie, for the construction of a continuous tank in addition to its factory. This will nearly double their output of fruit jars.
The Hemingray Glass Co. has contracted for the erection of two continuous tanks to double its output of flint table ware.
The Muncie Iron and Steel Co., established and owned by Muncie businessmen, finds its capacity entirely too small, and it is negotiating for the purchase of the White River rolling mill, which has been idle for two years or more. There is a demand for the idle property from other sources also, and the Muncie company may be compelled to double up its own plant. The Whiteley malleable iron works has contracted for a large addition to its plant and another story is being added to the main building at the Patton hollowware works, and the Midland Steel Co. is drafting plans for an addition to its big mills. Increased business within the past few months is the cause in each case. Arc electric light plants have been added to the architectural iron works, bent wood works, Bartlett heading factory and other factories which are now working night forces to keep pace with orders.