Publication: The Middletown News
Middletown, IN, United States
p. 1, col. 4
Young People From Muncie
Banqueted at the Welsh.
An automobile party of young people drove down from Muncie, Wednesday evening and spent a few hours in a delightful social manner at the Welsh. Manager Ed Kent gave them a cordial welcome and prepared for them an elegant banquet. After the spread had been enjoyed, the party took possesion of the parlors and for two hours engaged in games or listened to music, and then left, in a glad good humor for their homes. The party was made up of Mrs. M. G. McAbee, and Miss Neary McAbee, of Painsville, Ohio, Miss Clarice Gill, Miss Hemingray, Mrs. M. C. Hemingray, and Messers. R. G. Hemingray, P. W. McAbee, Robt. W. Williams, J . Loyd Kimbrough and Carl Walden, all of Muncie