[Trade Journal]
Publication: Brick and Clay Record
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 50, no. 12, p. 1167,1168, col. 1,2
A Resume of the Activities of
the Potters and Some Mention
of Their Plans for the Future
Employes of the Cook Pottery Co., North Clinton Street, Trenton, N. J., who declared a strike for higher wages on April 1, returned to work, for the most part, on May 17, following a conference with the officers of the company. The men have accepted a wage scale offered by the company, as follows: Large press operators, $3 per day; small press operators, $2.75 per day; large press operators on piece work, $3.75 per day; small press operators on piece work, $3.50 per day; kilnmen, $2.75 per day; on piece work. $3.50 per day. These rates are operative until October 1, when all wages are to be advanced twenty-five cents per day. The electrical porcelain department of the company has also been affected by the strike.