Publication: The LeRoy Gazette-News
LeRoy, NY, United States
vol. 91, no. 42
Work Commenced on LeRoy’s New Plant
Ground broken for Lapp Electrical Mfg. Co’s Factory
Railroad siding will be in within two weeks – about twenty men employed
No time has been lost in getting about the work of erecting the factory of the Lapp Electrical Manufacturing Company, since the company decided to locate in LeRoy. Ground for the plant near the overhead bridge on upper Gilbert Street was broken this week. The trenches for the foundations have been dug and are now being filled in with stone.
The construction camp has been pitched and work is moving along very satisfactorily. Charles Croft has charge of the mason work and Frank Bushman of the carpenter work. It is expected that within the next ten days a railroad siding will be put in from the main line of the B.R.& P railroad.
The company has opened an office in the Wilcox block on Main Street over the five and ten cent store, which will be used until the office at the factory is completed.