Publication: The Muncie Morning Star
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 28, no. 122, p. 8, col. 1
Includes Parade of Many Union
Men Through Main
Park Will be Given Over During
Afternoon to Oratory and
Full details for the celebration of Labor Day in this city on next Monday were given out last night by the committee that is in charge of preparations for the big event. Seemingly nothing is lacking by the execution of the plans. A member of the committee enthusiastically voiced the opinion that with fair weather it will be the greatest demonstration of its kind ever held here and one that the public in general will fully appreciate.
Everything from the order of formation of the procession, the line of march and down to the closing ceremony of the day has been outlined, although it required several weeks' hard work to complete the task. In the early morning the unionists will prepare for the parade by assembling at their respective halls, after which they will march in bodies to the places of formation.
The first division will form on Jackson street, right resting on High street; the second division on Adams street, right resting on High street. A half-hour later, at 10 o'clock, the parade will move in the following line of march:
From Jackson street north on High to Seymour, east on Seymour to Walnut, north on Walnut to Main, east on Main to Elm, north on Elm to Washington, west on Washington to High, south on high to Charles. Disband.
Clem L. Butts of the Bartender's union, will be grand marshal, and will have for his aides-de-camp B. W. McGinnis, of the Typographical union, and O. P. Oaster of the Cigarmakers' union. The positions assigned for the parade are as follows:
First Division — Grand marshal and chief of police, city police, fire department speakers and Labor day committee in carriages, band, visiting delegations, flint glass works, local No. 2; flint glass workers, No. 23; flint glass workers, No. 115; glass bottle blowers, No. 12; cigarmakers' union, No. 308; bartenders' international league, No. 678; tailors' union, No. 234; typorgaphical [sic] typographical union, No. 332; printing pressmen's union, NO. 126; switchmen's union, No. 45; letter carrier's union, No. 98; street railway employes' union, No. 81; brick mason's union, No. 9; hotel and restaurant employes' union, No. 733.
Second Division — Aids; band; carpenters' and joiners' union, No. 592; Painters' and decorators' union, No. 13; operative plasterers' union, No. 83; wood, wire and metal lathers' union, No. 22; united association of plumbers and steam fitters' union, No. 499; Hoosier lodge of iron and steel workers, No. 4; eastern lodge of iron and steel workers, No. 15; Midland lodge of iron and steel workers, No. 23; barbers' international union, No. 28; machinists' union, No. 35; woman's union label league No. 1; iron moulders' union, No. 177; Brewery workers' union, No. 244; floats.
Immediately following the parade the followers of organized labor will go to Westside park, where they will entertain the public, commencing at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon. Mayor C. W. Sherrritt will deliver an address of welcome to which response will be made by W. h. mcFadden, one of the city's best known labor leaders. The Rev. Frank P. Morris, pastor of the Madison Street M. E. Church, will speak on "The Relation of the Union to the Church." The priciple address will be given by Marion B. Johnson, of Fort Wayne the secretary of the Indiana Federation of Labor.
Concerts will be given by the Indiana band and various other forms of entertainment haev been arranged, inclulding football and baseball games, together with a balloon ascension, high dive and various contests.