Publication: The Muncie Morning Star
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 28, no. 70, p. 3, col. 2
Local Branches of American Flint
Glassworkers' Union Will be
Represented at National Meet -
at Sea Isle, N. J.
Nine delegates from the three local branches of the American Flint Glass Workers' union have gone to Sea Isle, N. J., to attend the sessions of the national convention, which convenes there on Monday morning. This year's convention is expected to be an important one, as various important matters pertaining to the craft are to be considered. Muncie glass workers of the Flint organization are hopeful that John F. Tobin, a member of the executive committee, will either be reappointed to his position or given a more important one. Mr. Tobin's work during his term on the executive committee has been splendid, receiving praise from glass workers all over the country. He, with Michael J. Clarke, have been auditing the books for several days and is ready to make a splendid report from the loca1 branches. The Muncie delegates and their respective locals are: Local No. 2 — M. J. Clarke, Martin Joyce, John F. Tobin, Paul Martin and Joseph Ingram: local No 23 — William Finan and Russell Carmichael; local No. 115 — Herbert Young and John O’Brien.