[Newspaper] Publication: The Muncie Morning Star Muncie, IN, United States |
FUTURE LOOKS DARK FOR ALFRED MEACHAM Unless New Trial Is Granted He Will Probably End Hs Days at Hard Labor. Attorneys for Alfred Meacham, the former Muncie and Hartford City glass worker, who was convicted of the murder of Fred Cummings, at Chattanooga, Tenn., last week, have filed written motions for a new trial. Meacham was sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment tor murder in in the second degree. A sentence of fifteen years on a man Meacham's age practically means for life. A particularly dark future looms up before Meacham for a Tennessee second degree murderer serves his sentence in the coal mines. The average life of a convict at mine labor is eight years, and Meacham, who is in the neighborhood of 40 years of age and has been a drinking man, is not expected by his friends to outlive the average. |