Publication: The Muncie Morning Star
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 26, no. 308, p. 10, col. 6
Clarence Moscoe, His Assailant, Not
Yet Out of Serious Trouble.
It is possible that the charge of assault and battery standing against Clarence Moscoe, who threw the glass insulator at the Hemingray glass factory Monday night, which fractured the skull of Charles Hawley, may yet be changed to one of manslaughter or murder. The condition of the injured boy is still serious, and Dr. O. I. Reasoner, the attending physician, says that his chances for recovery are about even with those of death. If he lives through today, with no change for the worse, his chances for an ultimate recovery will be much improved. The heavy glass insulator cut the cap and head to the skull and fractured the bone at the back of the head, similar to a crack of an egg shell. Moscoe is out under $1,000 bond.