Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 22, no. 44, p. 12, col. 1
With reference to the next big convention to meet in Muncie, the Pittsburg Commoner and Glass Worker yesterday contained the following reference, with a picture of T. W. M'Elhern, at the head of the committee from J. U. No 23 and one of the most popular young men in the glass business. The Commoner says:
The latest reports from Muncie, Ind., are to the effect that the success of the great 22nd annual gathering of the A. F. G. W. U., is assured and that the city will be invaded by the largest crowd of flints and their friends during the week of July 10 ever seen in the gas belt. Every arrangement has been made for the royal entertainment of this crowd by the following local convention committee, composed of prominent members of the trade:
L. U. No. 2 — C. N. Edmonds, chairman; John Fitzgibbon, Wm. Finley, A. Burkhardt, F. E. Duke, J. Creamer, George Cahill, George McAvoy.
L. U. No. 23 — T. J. McElhern, Jas. A. Sullivan, secretary, James Burke, Charles Curtis, Alf Mecrham, John Sullivan, Charles Jenkins, George Brunning.
L. U. No. 19 — James McMongale, treasurer; F. Gass C. Schehan, C. Canning, George Willson, P. Casey. J. Pollock, S. Hudson.
Press Committee — James A. Sullivan, George Cahill, F. Gass, Alf Meachem, John Sullivan.
Convention hall Committee. — James McMonagle, T. J. McElhern, John Fitzgibbon.
Soliciting Committee — George Brunning, Alfred Meachem, T. J. McEl [sic] McElheron J. Fitzgibbon, Fred Gass, George Willson, Chas. Schehan.
Demonstration Committee — T. J. McElheron, Geo. Mathison, Wm. Finley, Andy Burkhart, C. N. Edmonds, Fred Gass, J. Pollock.
Committee on hotels — George Brunning, Con Canning, A. Burkhart.
The following words were sung to the tune of Marching through Georgia at the Flint Glass Workers big convention at Anderson two weeks ago. The song was composed by "Golden Rule" Mayor Jones of Toledo, who speaks at the Flint convention in this city July 10th and the meeting in Muncie will probably be opened with the same song:
Sing aloud the tiding that race will yet be free,
Man to man the wide world o'er will surely brothers be;
Right to work, the right to live, let every one agree,
God freely gives to the people.
Hurrah, hurrah, the truth shall make us free.
Hurrah, hurrah, for dear humanity!
Right to work let all proclaim till men united be,
In God’s free gift to the people.
Tell the story over to the young and to the old,
Liberty to every man is better than gold;
In the sweat of the labor eat thy daily bread, we're told,
As God’s free gift to the people.
Shorter days for those who toil will make more work for all,
For a shorter work day then we'll sound a trumpet call,
And thus the fruit of labor on all alike will fall.
As God’s free gift to the people.
Let us grant to every man the right to have a share
In the things that God has made as free as sun and air;
Let us have free land for all, then free work everwhere.
God's gift will be to the people.
With justice done to every one them happy shall we be;
Poverty will disappear, the prisoners will be free;
The right to work, the right to live, the love of liberty —
All God's best gifts to the people.