Publication: The Courier Journal
Louisville, KY, United States
vol. 65, no. 5,429, p. 6, col. 2
MISS JULIET MATTHEWS, of Covington, daughter of Maj. Thos. A. Matthews, was married last Tuesday to Mr. Massie, of Chillicothe, O., grandson of Nathaniel Massie, who was the first Governor of that State. Owing to recent affliction-the death of the groom's aunt, Mrs. Gov. Phillips, of Louisiana — no one save the relatives of the contracting parties were present at the ceremony, which took place at 10 a. m., the Rev. Mr. Walden officiating. The bride wore a beautiful fitting, tailor-made traveling suit of dark green broadcloth, with Langtry turban of velvet of the same color, the only ornament being an exquisite bouquet de corsage of natural rosebuds, the rich buttons and hammered gold stud in the standing collar. The happy couple left on the 12:20 train via Cleveland and Boston for New York, whence they will sail on the 14th inst. per the steamer Servia for Liverpool. Stopping but a short time in England, they will proceed directly per steamer to Gibraltar, and will spend the winter traveling in Spain and Italy. They expect to return about May, and will take up their residence in Chillicothe, where the groom has already prepared a beautiful home.