Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 22, no. 27, p. 4, col. 4-5
Regular Session of That Body
a Busy One.
Stands the Same Except For
Clerk Clevenger.
Contracts Awarded for the North
Side Sewer System — Fire
Department Will Parade with
the Elks — General
After reading the record of the last meeting Clerk Clevenger read a communication from Superintendent Springer, which was in the form of receipted bills for telephones at police headquarters and the city clerk's office.
Another communication from Mr. Springer complained that House-mover Edwards was damaging the city telephone system by the reckless manner in doing his work. The Council decided that Mr. Springer should prosecute Edwards, if any one does, as the house mover gives bond that the work will be done properly.
Mr. Springer asked permission to construct a sidewalk a distance of sixty feet on Main street to Ohio avenue, and on Ohio avenue from Main street north. The Council granted the privilege to him to construct the Main street walk, but the other walk has been let by the city in accordance with law, after delay on the part of the property owner.
Mr. Haymond stated that the receipts from the telephone company for one year might be a ruse to enable the company to present bills for the phones after this Council is out. On recommendation of Mr. Gray the committee in charge of the telephone contracts was ordered to make a report at the next meeting.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Engineer's pay roll...... $327.53
W. James........................ 10.00
J. James............................ 9 00
S. Dewes.......................... 9 00
B. Wright......................... 5.75
Arth. Wright..................... 5.75
L. Fletcher........................ 7.50
C. S. Wachtell................. 10.00
L. Kurtz.......................... 10.00
____ Rider....................... 2.25
____ Horner..................... 4.50
____ Crist........................ 4.50
H. R. Mock.................... 60.80
H. R. Mock.................. 307.02
Neely Printing Co............ 7.64
R. Scott.............................. .55
W. Electric Co............... 59.94
A. R. Mock.................... 97.61
L. M. Hurley...................... .50
Garbage hauling............ 37.50
Hemingray Glass Co...... 84.00
J. R. Crozier................... 27.00
C. P. Franklin................. 33.65
Mr. Haymond read bills made by City Engineer Wood against the following companies for repairs made on streets left in bad condition:
Muncie Water Works Co..............$197.93
Muncie Natural Gas Co................ 195.16
Heat, Light & Power Co................. 93.71
The Council ordered the clerk to collect the bills as made by Mr. Wood.
Chief Shepp made a statement to the effect that he would be glad to take part in the Elks parade next Monday, and would like a donation from the Council to assist in the expense of decorating the apparatus. Mr. Shepp stated that his teams would lead the parade, so that in case of fire he would not be blockaded.
Mr. Haymond feared that in case of fire the city would be liable for damages.
Mr. Kirby stated that in Detroit at the G. A. R. meeting, the firemen were in the parade, but broke out, and they passed them later fighting the fire. The matter was referred to the Committee on Fire Department, and they state that the firemen will parade.
On motion of Mr. Youse $25 was donated to Chief Shepp, to be used in decorating the city building and the fire fighting apparatus for the parade. The question of how to secure the money appropriated from the treasury caused the Council to call on the City Attorney. Mr. Youse stated that the county commissioners had given the Elks $120, to be used in decorating the courthouse for the same occasion. The matter of securing the money was referred to the fire committee, with power to act. It is safe to predict that the money will be secured.
Mr. Berger, of the Committee on Sewers, reported bids on north side of Main sewer, Wysor street sewer No. 1 and Vine street sewer No. 1.
The contracts were awarded to the lowest bidder in each case, and the big job of sewer making on the north side will soon begin.
Other contracts of importance were let to the lowest bidders.
The Committee on Streets and Alleys recommended that the prayer of C. C. Crampton and others, who desire to build their own sidewalk of broken stone on Ohio avenue, be refused. The recommendation was concurred in.
A resolution was read and passed with reference to the salaries of the city officers and employes, as follows:
City Clerk............................................................... 1,850
City Treasurer......................................................... 1,800
City Engineer.......................................................... 1,600
City Attorney........................................................... 1,000
Chief of Fire Department........................................ 1,000
Assistant Chief, per month.......................................... 55
Secretary Board of Health, year................................ 400
Superintendent Electric Light plant, per month.......... 75
Librarian, per month................................................... 55
Sexton Beech Grove Cemetery................................... 55
Linemen Electric Light plant...................................... 50
Engineer Electric Light plant...................................... 60
Superintendent garbage furnace.................................. 60
Assistant Superintendent garbage furnace.................. 50
Firemen of fire department.......................................... 50
President Board of School Trustees, per year............. 75
Councilman. per year................................................ 150
The fees and compensation are due the first of each month, except where salaries are fixed yearly, in which case they are due quarterly. The salaries are the same as in the past, except that of the clerk, which is increased $50, to compensate him for additional labors in the office created by the new law just in effect.
The salaries of the school trustees were made equal, $75, and this is a reduction on the whole of $25, a saving to the city. After opening some sidewalk bids Council adjourned.