Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 22, no. 26, p. 12, col. 1-4
News Of Interest to Glass
First of the Week and the Period
Until Resumption Can Only
Be Guessed at. — Coming
The hustling young men of Local Unions Nos. 2, 23 and 91, A. F. G. U., who will care for the next annual International Convention of their Union, are fast completing all arrangements for the reception of the two hundred delegates and visitors in July. In addition to having secured the Courthouse for the meetings, official headquarters have been decided on for the Kirby House, where rooms for the officers have been engaged. The other hotels have been taxed with calls from the same source. This will be the twenty-second annual convention, and promises to be the most important in the history of the organization. The locals throughout the United States and Canada are sending increased numbers of delegates, and the demonstration promises to be of great importance to labor. C. N. Edmonds, chairman of the Executive Committee, is in receipt of the following self-explanatory letter from Mayor Jones, of Toledo:
"Mr. C. N. Edmonds, Chairman, 908 S. Grant St., Muncie, Ind.:
I thank you for your invitation to attend the annual convention of the American Flint Glassworkers at Muncie July 10, and say in reply that unless important duties shall prevent my doing so I will be very glad to be with you on that occasion. Kindly furnish me with a program, so that I may know what part I am expected to take in the exercises. If I am expected to speak, perhaps may as well be stated as 'Social Problems' as any other way, which will of course embrace a consideration of the labor question. Very sincerely yours.
Following are the general committees in charge and the locals they will represent:
L. U. No. 2 — C. N. Edmonds, John Fitzgibbon, William Finley, A. Burkhardt, F. E. Duke, J. Creamer, George Cahill, George McAvoy.
L. U. No. 23 — T. J. McElheron, Jas. Sullivan, Jas. Burke, Charles Curtis, Alf Meacham, John Sullivan, Charles Jenkins, George Brunning.
L. U. No. 91 — James McMonagle, F. Gass, C. Schehan, C. Canning, George Willson, P. Casey, J. Pollock, S. Hudson.
The Pittsburg Commoner yesterday published the following comment on the coming Flint convention here, with a further list of delegates:
The Muncie (Ind.) members of the A. F. G. W. U. are preparing a magnificent welcome for the delegates to the great convention there this year. They are leaving no stone unturned to make the occasion one to be long remembered, and their plans have progressed to a point where there is every reason to believe that this Muncie convention will be one of the largest in the history of the trade. Every facility will be at hand to aid the delegates in accomplishing a vast amount of work, and in the intervals of recreation the delegates will be treated to demonstrations of western hospitality that will linger long in pleasant memory.
Below are the delegates reported since our last issue:
No. 2, Muncie, Ind. — C. N. Edmonds, John Clark, William Floto, Michael Short.
No. 4, Pittsburg — Joseph Schmitt, Nick Maner, William H. Werner, Louis Kantzlister, Jacob Hoffman, Henry Schobe.
No. 6, Marion, Ind. — Thomas Kenney, Pat Murray, Hal Conroy, Theo. Ring, W. Pritchert, Louis Winstel, E. J. Dillon,
No. 7, Millville, N. J.— E. C. Beebe.
No. 9, Wheeling, W. Va. — John Corcoran, F. D. Strasser.
No. 12, Pittsburg — George Marlier.
No. 23, Muncie, Ind. — T. J. McElherron, Albert Meacham.
No. 25, East St. Louis, Ill. — Anthony Kelly.
No. 26, Belaire, O. — Geo. Upperman.
No. 34, Bellaire, O. — R. W. Archer, Thomas Powers.
No. 40, Marietta, O. — Harry E. Camp
No. 44, Alton, Ill. — George Pancost.
No, 46, Marion, Ind.— Harry Roessler.
No. 47, Millville, N. J. — L. W. Schlagel, Samuel Cossaboon.
48, Avenue, Pa.— George Fredrick, John Dougherty.
No. 50, Elwood, Ind. — Carl Stigllta, George Kelly, Daniel Kretz.
No. 55, Washington, Pa. — William McLaughlin, Jacob New.
No. 58, Wheeling, W. Va.—William Wassmeyer.
No. 61, Greentown, Ind. — Chris. Smetz.
No. 71, Indiana, Pa. — George H. Ross, Charles Brand.
No. 74, Findlay, O. — Bert Marvin, William Huck.
No. 80, Coraopolis, Pa. — Harvey Strong, Charles E. Voitle.
No. 85, Newark, N. J. — Jas. A. Ray.
No. 87, Sharpsburg, Pa. — Wm. Dell.
No. 88, Anderson, Ind. — James Morrison.
No. 90, Baltimore, Md. — T. F. Brennan, Claude Gleiner, James Bland.
No. 91, Muncie, Ind. — Samuel Hudson, J. Pollock, Fred Gass.
No. 95, Zanesville, O. — Harry Ebert.
No. 100, Cumberland, Md. — James M. Conway.
No. 114, Elwood, Ind. — Fred Whitefield. Thomas Kavenaugh, P. J. O’Hanlon.
No. 117, Mt Jewett, Pa. — F. J. Fitch.
No. 123, Albany, Ind. — C. Brown.
No. 129, Kane, Pa. — W. E. Overs.
No. 132, Cicero, Ind. — James Foley.
Locals 63, at New Bedford, Mass., 70 at Wallaceburg, Ont., and 126 at Hyde Park, Pa., report that they will send no delegates this year.