Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 21, no. 273, p. 5, col. 5
Secured for Muncie
Commencing July 10th.
American Flint Glass Workers
Union Meet Here — Good
Work of Local Association.
Citizens of Muncie in general and labor circles in particular, will hail with a great deal of pleasure the announcement that through the indefatigable efforts of the local Glassworkers’ Association the twenty-second annual convention of the American Flint Glass workers’ Union has been secured for the Magic City. In former years the larger cities have succeeded in securing these conventions and as the association is one of national importance too much cannot be said in praise of the committees who have secured this meeting for our city.
It is confidently expected that on account of the central location and good railroad facilities afforded by Muncie this will be one of the largest meetings in the history of the union, and the committees in charge will leave nothing undone that will ensure a big attendance. In the larger cities the members have received at the hands of the officials and better class of citizens a royal welcome, and it is an assured fact that Muncie’s reputation for hospitality will not suffer in comparison with the receptions heretofore extended.
The convention will be held from July 10 until about the 22nd. It is the object of the committee to secure for the occasion some of the most prominent speakers in the United states, and arrangements have so far progressed that it can be stated with a degree of certainty that some prominent men will address the union. It can be stated that Muncie will witness a demonstration that we can point to with pride.
The following committees have been selected:
Local Union No. 2 — C. H. Edmonds, Chairman; John Fitzgibbon, Wm. Finley, A. Burkhart, F. Duke, J. Creamer, Geo. McAvoy, Geo Cahill.
Local Union No. 23 — T. J. McElheron, James A. Sullivan, Secretary; J. Butler, Geo. Mathison, John Sullivan, Charles Jenkins, Alf. Meachem, George Brunning.
Local Union No. 91 — James McMonagle, Treasurer; F. Gass, C. Schehan, C. Canning, George Willson, P. Casey, J. Pollack, S. Hudson.
James A. Sullivan, George Cahill, F. Gass, Alf. Meachem, John Sullivan.
James McMonagle, T. J. McElheron, John Fitzgibbom.
T. J. McElheron, Wm. Finley, Chas. Schehan.
George Brunning, Alfred Meachem, T. J. McElheron, John Creamer, George McAvoy, J. Fitzgibbon, Fred Gass, Geo. Willson, Chas. Schehan.
T. J. McElheron, Geo. Mathison, Wm. Finley, Andy Burkhart, C. N. Edmonds, Fred Gass, Pollock.
George Brunning. — Canning, A. Burkhart.