Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 21, no. 266, p. 5, col. 3
Are Arrangements For the
Elks Big Carnival.
Something About What Will Be
Seen "On Midway" Mound
Soon to Be Enclosed.
The Street Carnival Art and Industrial Exposition is taking on gigantic proportions. Everything seems to be moving on successfully. The different committees are hustling and are all aiming to make their special feature the best.
The booth committee expects, not later than Monday or Tuesday of this week, to award the contract for the erection of booths and of enclosing the Mound on Charles street.
Mr. Ritter, chairman of the executive committee, is sending out from forty to fifty letters daily and is receiving encouraging reports from every quarter. He received word from the Exposition Circuit Company, yesterday, saying that the manager, Mr. Habbeet Katool, of the Midway Co., is now on his way to Algiers and Egypt for the purpose of securing a number of camels, goats and other strange animals of the Orient aa well as a large number of attractions and novelties. The Midway Co., has already contracted with La Belle Rosa, the famous Turkish dancer, who with her company of nine performers appeared before the Sultan of Turkey, some time ago. This company is without a doubt, the grandest Oriental attraction in this country at the present time and will be one of the general features of the Streets of Cairo. A first class menagerie and trained wild animal show has been engaged as have also other leading features for the Midway. Nearly all of the scenery has been completed, painted in oil and is very elaborate. All of the features of the Midway and the Streets of Cairo will surpass anything that has been claimed for them.
The Industrial display will, no doubt, surpass anything of the nature ever given in Indiana. Already the manufacturers and merchants of our city are anxious to secure booth space for making display and exhibits of their ware. A number of the merchants have arranged with some of the leading jobbers of specialties to make an exhibit of the same and to hear them talk of the fine display they expect to make insures a great attraction on this score.
The booth committee expects, within the next few days, to arrange to sell space. The price has been fixed at $1 per lineal foot. This will include light and police protection. The committee who have the selling of space in charge, are Charles Emerson, chairman, Henry J. Keller, George H. Searcy, Frank O. Gill and Ol F. Raymond
Each incoming mail brings letters from different lodges in the state commending the state organization, and every Elks lodge in Indiana will be represented here during the carnival week .at which time the state organization will be completed. The committee has information from Al G. Fields, the minstrel man to the effect that he will not only come from Columbus, Ohio, but will bring about fifty members of the lodge in that city to the carnival. Lima and Marion are other towns in Ohio which with Cincinnati will send delegations of Elks. Dan Hemingray will accompany the Grand Exhalted Ruler from Cincinnati and there will be several others from there in the party.
Chairman Ritter, of the executive committee has employed a stenographer and from this time on he will be busy corresponding with lodges throughout the state relative to the carnival.